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AB InBev Reports Third Quarter 2023 Results

2023/11/3  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Continuedglobalmomentum,partiallyoffsetbyUSperformance,deliveredmid-singledigittop-andbottom-linegrowth BRUSSELS--(BUSINESSWIRE)--ABInBev(Brussel:ABI)(BMV:A

Continued global momentum, partially offset by US performance, delivered mid-single digit top- and bottom-line growth


Regulated and inside information1

“The strength of our global footprint delivered another quarter of top- and bottom-line growth. Revenue increased by 5.0% with an EBITDA increase of 4.1%. We continue to invest in our strategic priorities for the long-term.” – Michel Doukeris, CEO, AB InBev

Total Revenue


Revenue increased by 5.0% in 3Q23 with revenue per hl growth of 9.0% and by 8.3% in 9M23 with revenue per hl growth of 10.1% .


15.1% increase in combined revenues of our global brands, Budweiser, Stella Artois, Corona and Michelob Ultra, outside of their respective home markets in 3Q23, and 16.2% in 9M23.


Approximately 66% of our revenue through B2B digital platforms with the monthly active user base of BEES reaching 3.4 million users.


Over 125 million USD of revenue generated by our digital direct-to-consumer ecosystem.


Total Volume


In 3Q23, total volumes declined by 3.4%, with own beer volumes down by 4.0% and non-beer volumes up by 1.4%. In 9M23, total volumes declined by 1.4% with own beer volumes down by 1.9% and non-beer volumes up by 1.8%.


Normalized EBITDA


In 3Q23, normalized EBITDA increased by 4.1% to 5 431 million USD with a normalized EBITDA margin contraction of 29 bps to 34.9%. In 9M23, normalized EBITDA increased by 7.3% to 15 099 million USD and normalized EBITDA margin contracted by 31 bps to 33.6%. Normalized EBITDA figures of 9M22 include an impact of 201 million USD from tax credits in Brazil. 

Underlying Profit

1 735 million USD

Underlying profit (profit attributable to equity holders of AB InBev excluding non-underlying items and the impact of hyperinflation) was 1 735 million USD in 3Q23 compared to 1 682 million USD in 3Q22 and was 4 497 million USD in 9M23 compared to 4 354 million USD in 9M22.


Underlying EPS

0.86 USD

Underlying EPS was 0.86 USD in 3Q23, an increase from 0.84 USD in 3Q22 and was 2.23 USD in 9M23, an increase from 2.16 USD in 9M22.


Capital Allocation

3 billion USD Debt redemption

1 billion USD Share buyback program


The company has approved a cash tender offer for up to 3 billion USD in aggregate purchase price of outstanding bonds and the AB InBev Board of Directors has approved a 1 billion USD share buyback program to be executed within the next 12 months. For further details please see the Recent Events section on page 13.


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