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Hong Kong Hosts the Finale of the World’s First All-Electric Race Boat Championship

2023/12/22  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: UIME1WorldChampionship HONGKONG--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- UndertheofficialChampionshipStandings“RacetoHongKong”,thefirst-everUIME1WorldChampionship(E1)w

UIM E1 World Championship


Under the official Championship Standings “Race to Hong Kong”, the first-ever UIM E1 World Championship (E1) will stage its grand finale in Hong Kong – E1 Hong Kong Grand Prix – for the first three seasons from 2024 to 2026 with joint support by the Tourism Commission of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government and Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB). The E1 Hong Kong Grand Prix – the Hong Kong leg of the UIM E1 World Championship – is an event supported by the funding earmarked under the 2023-24 Budget to attract mega events with strong visitor appeal and significant tourism promotional effect to take place in Hong Kong.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231220200058/en/

E1 is the world’s first and only all-electric race boat championship sanctioned by the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM). It will bring a brand new exposure and raise global awareness on sustainability across an exciting and competitive on-water racing platform based on electric technologies. As the only East Asian city to host this pioneering championship in its inaugural season, Hong Kong will welcome up to ten teams of pilots on 9 and 10 November 2024 after 6 international legs in Europe and the Middle East. E1 Hong Kong Grand Prix is expected to attract thousands of spectators from around the world to attend in person and experience the ultimate electric boat race on the waters of the picturesque Victoria Harbour in front of the city’s iconic skyline.

Mr. Kevin Yeung, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Hong Kong SAR Government, welcomed E1 to Hong Kong, “We are most excited to see the debut of UIM E1 World Championship in 2024, and are proud that Hong Kong will host the grand finale of the first three seasons of the championship and will be the only East Asian host city of its inaugural season, highlighting Hong Kong's reputation as a world-renowned events capital and one of the best destinations for tourists around the world.”

Dr. Pang Yiu-kai, Chairman of HKTB, echoed Mr. Yeung’s enthusiasm for E1’s debut finale in Hong Kong, “Hong Kong is excited to host the finale of the E1 ‘Race to Hong Kong’ in its inaugural season. The adrenaline-filled boat race will showcase our city’s vibrancy and our mesmerising skyline. We will capitalise on this wonderful opportunity and maximise our global promotion to attract visitors to experience this one-of-a-kind championship.”

Mr. Alejandro Agag, Chairman and co-founder of E1, said, “Hong Kong is the perfect city to host the final race of the first three seasons of E1. We are confident that Hong Kong’s superb facilities and international connectivity will enhance the overall experience for both the racing teams and spectators, lay a solid foundation and build a legacy for E1 as a world-class sports event.”

The UIM E1 World Championship Season 1 will feature seven thrilling races around the world in 2024 in cities including Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Venice (Italy), Puerto Banús (Spain), Geneva (Switzerland), Monaco, and Rotterdam (the Netherlands), culminating in a spectacular final event in Hong Kong. The championship will see up to 10 teams and 20 male and female pilots racing on water in iconic cities and navigate tight and technical circuits behind the wheel of electric E1 raceboats. E1’s teams are owned by some of the biggest names in their fields from Tom Brady, Rafael Nadal, Virat Kohli, Didier Drogba and Sergio Pérez in sports to Steve Aoki and Marc Anthony in the world of music and entertainment.

For more details on the championship and the races, please refer to UIM E1 World Championship’s official website: http://www.e1series.com

Members of the media can download photos from the following link: https://assetlibrary.hktb.com/assetbank-hktb/action/browseItems?cachedCriteria=1&categoryId=1355&categoryTypeId=2&allCats=0

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231220200058/en/


For media enquiries, please contact:
Mr Cameron Tong
Tel: 2807 6367
Email: cameron.tong@hktb.com

Ms. Vivian Sum, Commissioner for Tourism (left) and Dr. Pang Yiu-kai, Chairman of HKTB (right) welcomed Mr. Alejandro Agag, Chairman and co-founder of E1 (middle), for bringing the first-ever UIM E1 World Championship to Hong Kong (Photo: Hong Kong Tourism Board)

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