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Herbalife鈥檚 Nutrition At Work Survey Reveals Majority of Asia-Pacific鈥檚 Workforce Lead Largely Sedentary Lifestyles, Putting Them at Risk of Obesity

2016/4/12 9:04:29  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: FifthHerbalifeAsia-PacificWellnessTourseekstoaddresshealthissuesassociatedwithsedentarylifestyles,anddeepenpracticalunderstandingonthe

Fifth Herbalife Asia-Pacific Wellness Tour seeks to address health issues associated with sedentary lifestyles, and deepen practical understanding on the benefits of a healthy, active life


Herbalife, a global nutrition company (NYSE: HLF), today released the findings from the new Nutrition At Work Survey, which revealed that the majority of Asia-Pacific’s workforce lead largely sedentary lifestyles, putting them at risk of obesity. The Survey1, which was designed to understand the lifestyle habits and attitudes of Asia Pacific’s modern workforce, was conducted in March with 5,500 full-time workers in 11 Asia-Pacific markets.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160410005045/en/

According to the survey findings, nine out of 10 workers (85 percent) spend at least six hours a day sitting at their desk, with five out of 10 eating lunch at their work desk two to five times per week. Indonesia had the highest number of workers eating at their desks, with 71 percent eating lunch at their desk two to five times per week.

The survey also revealed that majority of Asia Pacific’s workforce (83 percent) exercise less than three times per week, with six out of 10 getting less than 30 minutes of physical activity a day at their workplace. This situation is of greater concern in Hong Kong, where 66 percent of the local workforce engage in physical activity once a week or less, with seven out of 10 workers getting less than 30 minutes of physical activity a day – a significantly worrying trend in a market that has been recording rising obesity rates in recent years.

Nevertheless, the risk of obesity could be averted if Asia Pacific workers decide to take control over their own nutritional intake and exercise regimen. Close to seven out of 10 workers (67 percent) affirmed that they strive to live a healthy, active life; however, the majority of them noted that they find it difficult to stay active during workdays.

“While a majority of Asia Pacific’s workforce desire to lead healthy, active lives, there are tangible constraints preventing them from doing so,” said Frank Lamberti, Herbalife Senior Vice President and Managing Director, North Asia. “As a global nutrition company, we hope to help people in the region take practical steps towards leading healthy, active lives. By incorporating positive nutrition habits and physical activity into their current lifestyles, we hope that this will help reduce obesity risks and result in positive improvements to their overall well-being over time.”

Aimed at addressing health issues associated with sedentary lifestyles, and deepening practical understanding on the benefits of healthy, active lifestyles, Herbalife launched its fifth Asia Pacific Wellness Tour 2016, held in the months of April and May. The latest edition of the Wellness Tour builds upon the successes of the past four tours that welcomed more than 80,000 participants across the region, and features a host of medical symposiums, talks and workshops led by seven experts from Herbalife’s Nutrition Advisory Board (NAB), covering 26 cities across Australia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Besides sharing their expert views on a wide range of health-related topics, including weight management, brain health and aging, metabolism, sports medicine, sports science and nutrition, Herbalife’s NAB experts will also address health and nutrition related issues associated with sedentary lifestyles and share practical tips on how today’s workforce can live healthier lives by making simple changes to their daily lifestyles. Health and medical professionals, academics, as well as the general public can also engage in lively dialogues with Herbalife’s NAB experts at the locally-held events, and network with like-minded professionals through the Herbalife Asia-Pacific Wellness Tour platform.

“With each new iteration of the Wellness Tour, we are seeing an increasing number of people gain practical knowledge to lead healthier and more active lives. We hope that this year’s Tour will further empower people to take charge of their nutritional intake and exercise regimen, so that they can enjoy the full benefits of a healthier life,” said Stephen Conchie, Herbalife Vice President and General Manager, Southeast Asia. “This year, we are also delighted to welcome Dr. Darren Burgess to our team of Herbalife NAB experts visiting the region. With his deep expertise in sports science and nutrition, we look forward to having him share his insights and perspectives, and connecting with local professionals and consumers on this edition of the Wellness Tour.”

The Herbalife NAB experts participating in the Wellness Tour include:

  • Dr. David Heber, chairman of the Herbalife Nutrition Institute and Nutrition Advisory Board. A leading expert in the field of nutrition, named as one of “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters in 2014 and repeatedly included in “The Best Doctors in America”.
  • Dr. Gary Small, a specialist in brain health and aging. He has authored over 500 scientific works and received numerous awards and honors, including the "Senior Investigator Award" from the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
  • Dr. Chin-Kun Wang, an expert in metabolism and nutrition, with a focus on the clinical evaluation of nutritional supplements, nutraceuticals, functional foods and herbs. He was awarded the National Award of Biomedicine in Taiwan in 2008 for his contribution to medical education.
  • Dr. Julian Alvarez Garcia, a specialist in sports medicine and sports physiology who has advised professional teams, national teams and individual athletes on a range of disciplines including weightlifting, triathlons, mountain biking, football and basketball.
  • Dr. Darren Burgess, an expert in sports science and nutrition who has authored papers in multiple peer review journals. He is also the current Head of High Performance at Port Adelaide Football (AFL) Club, and the former Head of Fitness and Conditioning at Liverpool Football Club.
  • Dr. Nataniel Viuniski, an expert in pediatrics and nutrition who has authored “Childhood Obesity – A Practical Guide”. He is also currently an advisor to Brazil's Health and Education Ministry for Childhood Obesity.
  • Dr. Francis Gregory Samonte, one of the Philippines’ premier experts in pediatric neurology, and the first Filipino appointed to the NAB. He was a recipient of the Chairman’s Achievement Award from the University of Louisville, Kentucky’s Department of Pediatrics.

The NAB experts will also be joined by Dr. Luigi Gratton, Herbalife’s vice president of nutrition education and development, who has written numerous articles on nutrition and obesity, and has appeared on television speaking on nutrition, anti-aging medicine, sports nutrition and other medical topics.

1Herbalife’s Nutrition At Work Survey was conducted in March 2016, with 5,500 respondents aged 18 and above, from Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

About Herbalife

Herbalife is a global nutrition company that has been changing people’s lives with great products since 1980. Our nutrition, weight-management, energy and fitness and personal care products are available exclusively to and through dedicated Independent Herbalife Members in more than 90 countries. We are committed to addressing the global obesity epidemic by offering high-quality products, one-on-one coaching with a Herbalife Member and a community that inspires customers to live a healthy, active life.

We support the Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) and its Casa Herbalife programs to help bring good nutrition to children in need. We also sponsor more than 190 world-class athletes, teams and events around the globe, including Cristiano Ronaldo, the LA Galaxy and champions in many other sports.

The company has over 8,000 employees worldwide, and its shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: HLF) with net sales of US$4.5 billion in 2015.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160410005045/en/



Herbalife Asia Pacific
Daliea Mohamad-Liauw, +852-3589-2643
VP, Corporate Communications, Asia Pacific

Infographic - Key findings of the Nutrition At Work Survey conducted by Herbalife. (Graphic: Business Wire)

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