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Mentice Acquires Endovascular Business from Medical Simulation Corporation

2017/12/22 9:47:01  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: GOTHENBURG,Sweden--(BUSINESSWIRE)--MenticeboostsitsUSdevelopmentpresenceandaddsaclinicaltrainingservicelinewiththeacquisitionofMedicalS

GOTHENBURG, Sweden--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mentice boosts its US development presence and adds a clinical training service line with the acquisition of Medical Simulation Corporation's (MSC) Medical Products division. Mentice is the global leader of simulation-based performance solutions for endovascular therapies.Under the agreement, Mentice will acquire the assets of the MSC’s Medical Products division in a share based transaction.

“With this transaction Mentice gains a very experienced US-based development organization, supporting our North American customers along with a portfolio of solutions that will be leveraged in the Mentice VIST® product line,” says Goran Malmberg, CEO of Mentice. “Furthermore, we are adding clinical training services, providing our clients with an even wider choice of offerings. I believe this will greatly benefit both our current and new customers, clearly demonstrating Mentice’s commitment in taking the market to the next level”.

Mentice will immediately assume responsibility for MSC’s clients and will provide continued support for the Compass AT and Compass 2 platforms along with associated software and iPad Apps. Mentice also plans to offer migration solutions to the Mentice VIST platform.

“This transaction enables MSC to focus our efforts on our Hospital Performance Improvement division (HPI) which is our main emphasis for the future”, says Mary Beth Loesch, President and CEO of MSC. In addition, Loesch added our HPI services include consulting, on-line courseware, and clinical pathway training for important topics such as Stroke and Sepsis. “We see many opportunities to collaborate where our services would complement the solutions provided by Mentice.”

About Mentice 
Mentice is the world leader in virtual reality‐ased interventional medical simulation solutions. Our solutions help healthcare professionals with skills acquisition, continuous development and preprocedural planning—leading to improved productivity and outcomes. Mentice solutions are scientifically validated, and have been specifically developed for healthcare providers and the medical industry. Neurovascular, cardiovascular and peripheral interventions are just some of the areas covered by our systems. Learn more about the features and benefits of Mentice solutions at: www.mentice.com.

About MSC (Medical Simulation Corporation) 
MSC is a global healthcare leader in accelerating patient access to new medical therapies, achieving the best patient outcomes, reducing patient mortality and reducing the cost of healthcare delivery. MSC’s Advanced Clinical Quality Solutions enable multi-disciplinary healthcare team performance improvement, with a focus on standardizing care delivery and creating clinical and cost-control results.


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