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Goodwin Broadens Private Equity Bench in Hong Kong With Partner Bosco Yiu

2018/5/9 21:57:07  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: HONGKONG--(BUSINESSWIRE)--GloballawfirmGoodwinannouncedtodaythatBoscoYiuhasjoinedthefirm’sHongKongofficeaspartnerinthePrivateEqui

HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Global law firm Goodwin announced today that Bosco Yiu has joined the firm’s Hong Kong office as partner in the Private Equity practice. Yiu’s appointment deepens Goodwin’s comprehensive transactional capabilities for private equity firms and technology, media and life sciences companies. It follows the recent relocation to Hong Kong of private investment funds partner Greg Barclay, and last year’s arrival of leading private equity lawyers Douglas Freeman and Victor Chen.Yiu has vast experience representing private equity firms, investment banks and public and private companies in connection with mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, IPOs on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and general Hong Kong corporate regulatory and compliance advice. He has particular expertise with Hong Kong takeovers, privatization, private and public mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations and equity capital markets transactions.

“Hong Kong remains a principal hub for private equity investments, transactions, and capital markets activity,” said Yash Rana, Chair of Goodwin’s Hong Kong office. “Bosco brings strong capital markets and transactional experience to further support Goodwin’s diverse client base in Hong Kong and the Asia region. We are delighted to welcome Bosco to the Goodwin partnership.”

Yiu received his LL.B from Osgoode Hall Law School of York University and a Postgraduate Certificate in Law from The University of Hong Kong. He is admitted to practice in Hong Kong, England, Wales and Ontario, Canada. He is fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.

Yiu can be reached at BYiu@goodwinlaw.com and +852.3658.5330.

Goodwin’s Hong Kong Corporate practice is focused on private equity, M&A, venture capital, fund formation, joint ventures and strategic transactions across a broad range of sectors. The firm has received numerous “Deals of the Year” awards from the China Business Law Journal, and is ranked for outstanding corporate/M&A expertise in India and China by Chambers Global.

The firm’s internationally recognized Private Equity practice focuses on buyouts, recapitalizations, growth equity investments, and portfolio company transactions in the United States and internationally with a leading position in the U.S. middle markets and growth equity. With a team of more than 200 lawyers, the practice covers the full life cycle of clients’ investments – from fund formation to exit and everything in between.

About Goodwin

At Goodwin, we use law to achieve unprecedented results for our clients. Our 1,000 plus lawyers across the United States, Europe, and Asia excel at complex transactions, high-stakes litigations and world-class advisory services in the financial, life sciences, private equity, real estate, and technology industries. We partner with our clients to practice law with integrity, ingenuity, agility and ambition. To learn more, visit us at www.goodwinlaw.com and follow us on Twitter at @goodwinlaw and on LinkedIn.

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