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Western Union Partners with Artajasa to Offer Money Transfer Payouts into Bank Accounts and Wallets

2022/3/26  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: CollaborationwithIndonesia’sPaymentSwitchingCompanytoEnableConvenientInboundBankAccountPayouts;WalletPayoutstoLaunchLaterthisYear JAKARTA,Indonesia--(BUSINE

Collaboration with Indonesia’s Payment Switching Company to Enable Convenient Inbound Bank Account Payouts; Wallet Payouts to Launch Later this Year

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --

Western Union, a global leader in cross-border, cross-currency money movement and payments, has announced PT Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis (Artajasa) as its newest bank account and wallet payout partner in Indonesia. Artajasa is a pioneer in the market of electronic transactions in Indonesia.

The collaboration will enable customers to receive international money transfers in minutes1 into their bank accounts across all major banks in Indonesia. Payout into wallets will launch later this year.

“The increasing demand for financial connectivity and rising expectations for immediate access means more people are looking for easy and trusted ways to move their money, especially into bank accounts,” said K. Premmananth, Head of Singapore, Indonesia and North Asia, Western Union. “Our collaboration with Artajasa adds to Western Union’s growing portfolio of money movement options and offers customers the trust and reliability, combined with the speed, transparency and seamless experience they expect as they move their hard-earned money.”

Founded in 2000, Artajasa has also developed network solutions for bill payments across various industries, including telecommunications, utilities, insurance, finance and education. With more than 20 years of experience in payment systems, Artajasa ensures a high level of security, integrity and monitoring for all levels and types of transactions processed.

“At Artajasa, we understand the diverse needs of our customers and are committed to advancing innovations to meet these needs,” said Siti Hidayati, Director of Artajasa. “Customers today are living ever more interconnected digital lives and we are excited to come together with Western Union, offering customers the ability to receive money into their bank accounts and wallets conveniently and reliably.”

Over the last few years, Western Union has accelerated its account-based payout options, including bank account, wallet or card payout, ensuring robust connectivity for customers. Globally, Western Union can process payouts into billions of bank accounts, including millions of wallets and cards across more than 130 countries and territories, with real-time capabilities in 100 of these countries. Additionally, it also offers payout in cash via its extensive global retail network across 200+ countries and territories.

About Western Union

The Western Union Company (NYSE: WU) is a global leader in cross-border, cross-currency money movement and payments. Western Union’s platform provides seamless cross-border flows and its leading global financial network bridges more than 200 countries and territories and over 130 currencies. We connect consumers, businesses, financial institutions, and governments through one of the world’s widest reaching networks, accessing billions of bank accounts, millions of digital wallets and cards, and a substantial global network of retail locations. Western Union connects the world to bring boundless possibilities within reach. For more information, visit www.westernunion.com.

About PT Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis (ARTAJASA)

PT Artajasa Electronic Payment (Artajasa) is a pioneer in the banking infrastructure network provider in Indonesia. Since its establishment on February 10, 2000, Artajasa has been focusing on working on the electronic transaction market in Indonesia. One of our services is ATM Bersama, which is an ATM system infrastructure that can be shared by several banks so that the bank's customers can use the facilities of other banks incorporated in the network. At present, ATM Bersama has 91 members, consisting of state banks, national private banks, foreign banks, BPD banks throughout Indonesia, BPRs, and Non-Bank Institutions (LSB) with more than 77,000 ATM terminals spread from Aceh to Papua. Artajasa also provides Online Payment solutions for billing providers, such as telecommunications services, finance companies, credit card issuers, education, utility companies and insurance companies that allow its users to pay bills through any delivery channel available. For more information about Artajasa, please visit https://www.artajasa.co.id/corporate.

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