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Prestige Biopharma Receives 2022 Asia-Pacific Bioprocessing Excellence Awards

2022/4/7  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: SINGAPORE--(BUSINESSWIRE)--PrestigeBiopharmaLimitedaSingapore-basedleadingbiopharmaceuticalwithoperationsinUSAandSouthKorea,announcedthatthecompanyhasbeenr

SINGAPORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Prestige Biopharma Limited a Singapore-based leading biopharmaceutical with operations in USA and South Korea, announced that the company has been recognized as the grand winner of the Bioprocessing Excellence in SEA (South-East Asia).

The Awards Ceremony was held in conjunction with the 9th Biologics Manufacturing Asia and 6th Biologistics World Asia 2022 hybrid Conference, which was streamed live on 29 - 30 March 2022.

Asia Pacific Bioprocessing Excellence Awards recognizes exceptional bioprocessing experts, organizations and technologies that facilitate biomanufacturing excellence at enhanced speed, reduced cost, and superior quality. The panel of expert judges include key opinion leaders with more than 20 years of experience from all the key players in Asia and globally.

“We are very proud to receive this award and thank you for recognizing Prestige’s passion for driving innovation and change in bioprocessing,” said Dr. Deborah Moshinsky, Head of Global R&D of Prestige in her acceptance speech. “Prestige Group has undergone a significant expansion to our manufacturing capabilities. Our EU-GMP certified facility with global compliance recognition is currently expanding its capacity up to 234,000 liters through its 2nd Campus developments.”

Prestige has developed biosimilars and first-in-class antibody drugs of high quality and strong cost competitiveness in expedited development programmes, with its proprietary bioprocessing technology.

Prestige’s leading pipeline HD201 trastuzumab (Tuzune®) is currently under EU EMA’s MAA review and its manufacturing facility, Prestige Biologics, has received European Union Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification last February.

The company’s robust pipeline in clinical stage also includes an innovative therapy for pancreatic cancer, PBP1510 (INN: Ulenistamab) in Phase 1/2a clinical trial in Europe, an Avastin biosimilar HD204 (Vasforda®) in global Phase 3, and a Humira biosimilar PBP1502 in Phase 1 clinical trial in Europe.

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