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dSPACE at CES 2024: New Solutions for Data-Driven Development, Simulation, and Validation of Electric and Self-Driving Cars

2023/12/24  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: PADERBORN,Germany&WIXOM,Mich.--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- AtCES2024,dSPACEwillshowhowelectricandself-drivingcarscangetontheroadfasterwithinnovativedevelopment,si


At CES 2024, dSPACE will show how electric and self-driving cars can get on the road faster with innovative development, simulation, and validation solutions. As the exclusive on-vehicle computer technology sponsor of the Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC), dSPACE will demonstrate how dSPACE solutions work in demanding racing environments at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024 night race at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Eight solutions will be presented at the dSPACE booth no. 4300 in the LVCC, West Hall. Here are some highlights:

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231219166904/en/

E-mobility: Testing of battery management systems, power electronics, and technologies for intelligent charging

Battery management systems (BMS) are crucial for the smooth operation of lithium-ion batteries, and ensure the efficient use of available capacity, optimum temperatures, avoid overcharging as well as deep discharges, and thereby ensure safe operation and long life of the energy storage systems. dSPACE demonstrates a modular system design for the testing of battery management systems (BMS) that enables the testing of modern BMS. The system's field of application in the areas of development and validation range from battery systems for electric cars and planes to energy storage systems for modern power grids.

Power HIL systems from dSPACE are the first choice where inverters, including control and power electronics, have to be tested at full power. Designed specifically for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation at power level, they combine the flexibility of established HIL systems with full performance, enabling exceptionally precise testing of power electronics. The tests go well beyond endurance and also include testing the control behavior with different dynamic operating points of e-motors.

The Smart Charging Solution is a complete solution for the development and testing of intelligent charging technologies. The solution takes international standards into account, ensures interoperability analyses and tests, and supports developers of onboard chargers, charging stations, and, in future, inductive charging systems, robot charging, and megawatt charging for the truck and aviation sector with a comprehensive range of test options and dynamic models.

Autonomous driving: High-precision tests in the virtual world

The development of functions for highly automated and autonomous driving places increasingly strict requirements on the quality and safety of functions. Virtual tests are frontloaded to earlier development phases and executed by internationally distributed development teams. To meet these requirements, dSPACE has developed solutions such as SIMPHERA, the web-based, highly scalable cloud solution for simulation and virtual validation, and the AURELION sensor simulation. At CES, dSPACE will demonstrate how logical scenarios generated from measurement data can then be used for scenario-based testing in SIMPHERA. In this way, real recorded scenarios can later be used for virtual validation. In addition, it is shown how AURELION achieves a very high degree of realism in the simulation – by comparing the synthetic sensor simulation with the real recorded measurement data of the same scenario.

In a joint demonstration with AWS, dSPACE presents an intelligent fleet and data management environment that enables targeted data collection campaigns for the development and validation of ADAS/AD algorithms. The solution aims to drastically shorten the lead time for data acquisition from the definition of requirements to the availability of the recorded vehicle and sensor data in the data center, thereby increasing the efficiency of the data-driven development process.

The simulation of software stacks on high-performance computers (HPCs) in the newest E/E architectures for software-defined vehicles (SDVs) presents a particular challenge in software integration testing. In order to efficiently validate such systems, cloud-based software-in-the-loop environments are required that enable the simulation of the software components on HPCs based on real ARM processors together with those of the rest of the E/E architecture. To this end, dSPACE is working with AWS to offer an end-to-end solution based on dSPACE VEOS and AWS Graviton.

IAC: dSPACE technology during night racing and at the exhibition stand

At the Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024, which will be held on January 11 at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, nine teams comprised of 17 universities will compete against each other with fully autonomous racecars. CES visitors are invited to experience the action on the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. In addition, dSPACE is presenting its technologies for the IAC at booth 5901 in the exhibition area of the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) West. A proven dSPACE component in the vehicles is the AUTERA AutoBox, the central onboard computer that manages all sensor data and performs the complex trajectory calculations. The IAC schedule for 2024 and other innovations will be presented on Monday, January 8, as part of the IAC press conference.

About dSPACE

dSPACE is a leading provider of simulation and validation solutions worldwide for developing networked, autonomous, and electrically powered vehicles. The company's range of end-to-end solutions are used particularly by automotive manufacturers and their suppliers to test the software and hardware components in their new vehicles long before a new model is allowed on the road. Not only is dSPACE a sought-after partner in vehicle development, engineers also rely on our know-how at dSPACE when it comes to aerospace and industrial automation. Our portfolio ranges from end-to-end solutions for simulation and validation to engineering and consulting services as well as training and support. With more than 2,500 employees worldwide, dSPACE is headquartered in Paderborn, Germany; has three project centers in Germany; and serves customers through its regional companies in the USA, the UK, France, Japan, China, Croatia, Korea, and India.

About the IAC

The Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) organizes racing competitions among university affiliated teams representing 17 universities from around the world to program fully autonomous racecars and compete in a series of history-making events at iconic tracks. Based in Indiana, the IAC is working to establish a hub for performance automation in the state and is harnessing the power of innovative competitions to attract the best and the brightest minds from around the globe to further state-of-the-art technology in safety and performance of automated vehicles. The IAC started as a $1 million prize competition with 31 university teams signing up to compete more than three years ago, representing top engineering and technology programs from 15 U.S. states and 11 countries. Follow the IAC @IndyAChallenge on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, & YouTube.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231219166904/en/


Bernd Schäfers-Maiwald
Vice President Corporate Communications
Tel: +49 5251 1638-714
E-Mail: bschaefers-maiwald@dspace.de

Ulrich Nolte
Tel.: +49 5251 1638--1448
E-Mail: unolte@dspace.de

Allison Fried
Director of Communications
Tel: +1 702.526.4413
Email: afried@onemorevolley.com

Marc Ferlet
Director of Marketing
Tel: +33 6 79 16 96 26
Email: marc.ferlet@indyautonomouschallenge.com

At the Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024, which will be held on January 11 at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, nine teams comprised of 17 universities will compete against each other with fully autonomous racecars. Photo Credits: Indy Autonomous Challenge

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