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Juniper Networks’ AI-Driven Wireless Takes Digital Experience to a New Level at the University of Oxford

2023/7/12  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: World-classuniversitytransformsitscentralwirelessnetworktomeetheighteneduserexpectations SUNNYVALE,Calif.--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- JuniperNetworks®(NYSE:JNPR),

World-class university transforms its central wireless network to meet heightened user expectations


Juniper Networks® (NYSE:JNPR), a leader in secure, AI-driven networks, today announced that numerous departments and colleges of the University of Oxford, a renowned university and the oldest centre of learning, teaching and research in the English-speaking world, deployed Juniper’s cloud-delivered wireless access solution driven by Mist AI™ to provide a modern digital experience to students, faculty, staff and guests.

The University of Oxford strives to deliver a platform that underpins education, research and personal connectivity, enhancing the day-to-day life of the university community. The university invests in its technology infrastructure to enable all staff, students and guests to communicate effectively, share information and collaborate widely. Oxford’s new AI-driven Wi-Fi from Juniper supports central administration, libraries, student rooms, colleges and department buildings, optimising the user experience for many students, staff and visitors.

The University’s departments and colleges that deployed the Juniper Wireless LAN solution, driven by Mist AI, streamlined network operations and delivered predictable, reliable and measurable user experiences in key administrative buildings, libraries, student rooms and colleges. Juniper’s cloud-delivered services, including Juniper Mist™ Wireless Assurance and Marvis Virtual Network Assistant, give the IT staff unique insight into individual user experiences. It also accelerated deployment, as well as the management and troubleshooting of Wi-Fi with unique AI-driven operations, including automated event correlation, predictive analytics and self-driving network operations.

Juniper: Adapting to Oxford’s Unique Challenges

Attaining world-class Wi-Fi is complicated due to Oxford’s historic buildings, some of which date back 800 years and have protracted permission cycles for alteration. Juniper Wi-Fi 6 access points provide optimal coverage across the campus. By leveraging commonly existing mounting brackets and unique location services, Juniper Wi-Fi is quickly installed with minimum disruption to service.

Also, IT teams in the departments and colleges that employ Marvis, the industry’s only Virtual Network Assistant driven by Mist AI, leverage natural language understanding for simple queries, event correlation for rapid fault isolation/correction, and self-driving operations that constantly adapt the network in real time to optimise user experiences.

“AI-driven networking from Juniper has delivered on the requirement to improve network visibility and control for Oxford’s units subscribing to the Managed Wireless Service, with the tools to resolve issues quickly. The actionable insight provided by Mist AI is phenomenal, enabling us to have better visibility into end-user experiences.”

- Robert Jones, Managed Network Services Manager, IT Services, The University of Oxford

“Juniper believes that progressive technology is integral to effective education. The University of Oxford needed to provide better digital experiences for students and staff. Juniper’s AI-driven networking solution is the right digital foundation for Oxford, enabling innovative new services that enhance student engagement and success, in line with its continued reputation as the top university in the world.”

- Sujai Hajela, Executive Vice President, AI-driven Enterprise, Juniper Networks

Additional Resources

  • University of Oxford: Success Story
  • Juniper Virtual Education Summit: Driving Better Student Experiences with AI-driven Networks
  • 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Wired and Wireless LAN Infrastructure: View Report
  • Blog: When it Comes to Wired & Wireless Access, Juniper Mist is in the Driver’s Seat
  • Follow Juniper Networks online: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
  • Juniper Blogs and Community: J-Net

About Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks is dedicated to dramatically simplifying network operations and driving superior experiences for end users. Our solutions deliver industry-leading insight, automation, security and AI to drive real business results. We believe that powering connections will bring us closer together while empowering us all to solve the world’s greatest challenges of well-being, sustainability and equality. Additional information can be found at Juniper Networks (www.juniper.net) or connect with Juniper on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, Junos, and other trademarks listed here are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230711989024/en/


Media Relations:
Pelin Murphy
Juniper Networks
+44 (0) 1372 385 686

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