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1NCE is Now Live With Nationwide IoT in Brazil

2024/3/2  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: 1NCEcustomersnowhavenationwideaccesstoBraziliannetworksforbetterIoTatdisruptiverates. 1NCEcustomerscanuseIoTeverywhereintheAmericasfromCanadatoArgentina,andac

1NCE customers now have nationwide access to Brazilian networks for better IoT at disruptive rates.
1NCE customers can use IoT everywhere in the Americas from Canada to Argentina, and across 168 countries worldwide.

From Canada in the north to Argentina in the south, 1NCE now has complete coverage in the Americas, and 168 countries worldwide. The company has secured agreements with all Brazilian cellular networks so that customers have the most reliable IoT possible in Brazil.

With 1NCE’s Lifetime Flat license, customers collect data and manage sensors at a price point less than half the current market rate. 1NCE is now a fully authorized IoT network operator with its regional headquarters in São Paulo, offering local data management, billing and logistics in full compliance to Brazilian trading, telecoms and tax regulations.

Ivo Rook, Chief Operating Officer at 1NCE: “The wait for nationwide IoT in Brazil is over. It was no surprise our customers wanted to get started from the first minute we opened in São Paulo. We are scaling up rapidly and already serve customers with IoT projects of any size across all of Brazil.”

1NCE continues to establish itself as a new standard in IoT. In January, the company announced 1NCE Plugins, upgrading the platform with software from the industry’s best developers. 1NCE also recently started selling high data, allowing Lifetime Flat customers to access speeds up to 25 Mb/s.

Customer service, available in Portuguese and 24 other languages, can assist with SIM cards and chips compatible in Brazil. New customers can start at the 1NCE webshop.

About 1NCE

1NCE is a company offering a software platform for connected products that delivers future-proof, hassle-free IoT in 168 countries and regions. The software platform enables customers to easily, securely and reliably collect device data and turn it into actionable intelligence. This accelerates time-to-market for data collection projects by months, increases device lifetime by years, and allows efficient management of sensors from initial deployment to the end of the product lifecycle. More than 18,000 customers and 60 Fortune 500 companies have trusted 1NCE with more than 22 million connected products. Learn more at www.1NCE.com and follow on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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