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Swissquote Bank:奥巴马呼吁暂停

2013-9-11 17:54:46  文章来源:亚洲外汇网  作者:Swissquo…
核心提示:Swissquote Bank:奥巴马呼吁暂停


Forex market are trading in an unconvincing sideways pattern as traders focus on the US treasury markets. EURUSD failed to find direction during the Asian session and traded in a constricted 1.3260 to 1.3280 range. However, FX traders have been shying away from the EUR as it has lacked trading characteristics of a safe haven or risky currency and therefore hard to measure. AUDUSD had a choppy bearish session but ended the session low around 0.9285 as President Obama's speech on Syria and Consumer Confidence numbers failed to generate demand. Australia’s Westpac consumer confidence jumped to 110.6 in September from 105.7, the highest level since late 2010. As fears over a US-led military strike subside, good China data, improvement of Japanese manufacturers' optimism, renewed EM appetite and rally in US yields have given the USDJPY a strong bid in recent days. USDJPY pushed higher to 100.60 but eased to 100.20 as Europe is walking in. Regional equity indices are trending water around fair value which could indicate a daily pullback from the recent buying frenzy. Nikkei is up 0.01%, the Hang Seng down -0.36% while Shanghai remains the leader at 0.21% (at the time of writing). US 10 yrs yields have now rallied to 2.97% indication -- a clear expectations of tighter US monetary policy. On this note, we could see some USD improvements against the majors.


The highlight of the evening was the much anticipated and overly hyped President Obama’s scheduled speech on Syria. Earlier in the week, the content was expected to revolve around building a case for military action to the American public. However, the introduction of a Russian lead solution for Syria to hand-over all their chemical weapons to international control, shifted the emphasis of the speech. US president Obama stated that the U.S. is not the world's policeman but when with modest effort and risk it can halt children from being gassed to death then the U.S. has an obligation to act. He went on to say that statements of condemnation are merely not sufficient and sometime a military action is required. In addition, the congressional vote on a military response in Syria has been postponed indefinitely to purse a diplomatic strategy. Media outlets are now reporting that French Draft U.N. Security Council Resolution would provide Syria 15 days to give the UN a complete list of all chemical weapons.


Another light economic calendar day with the UK dominate release. Given the recent recovery in UK growth, we could see a strong all in claimant counts and unemployment rate. Should the UK surprise the upside, this would clearly call into question the BoE’s projections of unemployment to fall below 7.0% by 3Q 2016 and push up expectations for rate hikes. GBP has been supported by stronger economic data and this would continue with a strong labor read.




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