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Quiksilver Appoints Franck Riboud to Board of Directors

2016/11/2 14:08:27  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: HUNTINGTONBEACH,Calif.--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- Quiksilver,Inc.todayannouncedthatithasappointedFranckRiboudasanindependentdirectortoitsBoardof


Quiksilver, Inc. today announced that it has appointed Franck Riboud as an independent director to its Board of Directors, effective immediately. Mr. Riboud’s appointment will expand the Company’s Board from four to five members.

“We are thrilled to welcome Franck to our Board,” said Pierre Agnes, Chief Executive Officer of Quiksilver. “With over 35 years of retail and consumer experience at the executive and board levels, Franck brings a breadth of expertise and deep understanding of our industry to the Quiksilver Board. We look forward to leveraging his extensive experience to advance our ongoing transformation efforts.”

“Quiksilver’s three iconic global brands—Quiksilver, ROXY, and DC Shoes—are well positioned to defend their leadership positions within the changing action sports retail industry,” said Franck Riboud. “I am excited to join Quiksilver’s Board at such a pivotal time, as the company builds on the success it has had in the first phase of its turnaround. I look forward to working alongside the rest of Quiksilver’s Board and management team to accelerate the company’s progress in extending the reach and relevance of its leading brands and achieving operational excellence.”

Mr. Riboud currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors for Danone. He joined Danone in 1981 and held a number of leadership positions before becoming Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 1996. He served as Chief Executive Officer of the company until 2014.

Mr. Riboud also serves on the board of Renault, Rolex, and Bagley Latinoamerica.

He also serves a number of professional foundations and associations including the Board of the Livelihoods Fund for Family Farming and as a member of the Steering Committee of the Livelihoods Fund. Mr. Riboud is a graduate of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.

Quiksilver is owned by funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P.

About Quiksilver

Quiksilver, Inc., one of the world’s leading outdoor sports lifestyle companies, designs, produces and distributes branded apparel, footwear and accessories. The Company’s apparel and footwear brands, inspired by a passion for outdoor action sports, represent a casual lifestyle for young-minded people who connect with its boardriding culture and heritage. The Company’s Quiksilver, Roxy, and DC brands have authentic roots and heritage in surf, snow and skate. The Company’s products are sold in more than 115 countries in a wide range of distribution, including surf shops, skate shops, snow shops, its proprietary Boardriders shops and other Company-owned retail stores, other specialty stores, select department stores and through various e-commerce channels. For additional information, please visit our brand websites at www.quiksilver.com, www.roxy.com and www.dcshoes.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161101005658/en/



Quiksilver, Inc.
Marie-Aurelie Duche

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