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GovSat-1 Satellite Goes Operational

2018/3/20 9:20:07  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: GovSat-1provideshighlysecureandadvancedcommunicationcapabilitiestoenablecriticalmissionsforgovernmentsandinstitutions LUXEMBOURG--(BUSIN

GovSat-1 provides highly secure and advanced communication capabilities to enable critical missions for governments and institutions

LUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GovSat-1 enters operational service today, to provide secure communications to governmental and institutional users. GovSat-1 is the first satellite of GovSat, a public private partnership between the Government of Luxembourg and the world-leading satellite operator SES. The satellite was launched into space on 31 January on board a flight-proven SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and has since undergone extensive testing.The multi-mission satellite is operated by GovSat from the Secure Mission Operations Centre in Luxembourg. The highly flexible and resilient GovSat-1 payload uses dedicated frequencies in X-band and military Ka-band. It enables an array of applications such as connectivity for theatres of operation, interconnection of institutional or defence sites, border control, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), as well as various types of communications on the move for land and maritime missions.

GovSat-1 is located at the 21.5 degrees East orbital slot, which allows it to support missions over Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, as well as providing extensive maritime coverage over the Mediterranean and Baltic seas, and the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Dedicated entirely to governmental and institutional users, GovSat-1 features high-powered fully-steerable spot beams, an X-band Global beam and a total of sixty-eight transponder equivalent units.

Étienne Schneider, Luxembourg Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Economy and Minister of Defence said: “I would like to thank all the members of the GovSat team for their hard work and commitment to bring the GovSat-1 spacecraft into operational service. This was the next major step in our public-private partnership with SES. GovSat-1 will further enhance Luxembourg's excellent reputation in the global satellite communications market. The satellite will enable Luxembourg to meet its expanding obligations in European defence and to further diversify the national economy in a key technology sector.”

“GovSat-1 is a real game-changer when it comes to providing secure satellite communications to governments and institutions. The satellite’s X-band capacity is the most powerful and flexible available,” said Patrick Biewer, Chief Executive Officer of GovSat. “GovSat-1, coupled with our Secure Mission Operations Centre, forms one of the most reliable, cost efficient and secure satellite communications capabilities on the market, and we are delighted to announce that it has entered into operational service.”

More information on GovSat-1 is available here

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About GovSat

GovSat is a public private partnership between the Government of Luxembourg and the world-leading satellite operator SES. GovSat’s mission is to provide secure, reliable and accessible governmental satellite communication services to address the demand resulting from defence and institutional security applications. The company’s first satellite GovSat-1 is a multi-mission satellite that will use X-band and Military Ka-band frequencies on high-power and fully steerable mission beams to support multiple operations. For more information visit: www.govsat.lu


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