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White Oak Singapore Picks Eze Investment Suite

2018/6/20 8:47:04  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: GrowingStart-UpAutomatesFront-To-BackWorkflowsinRecordTime SINGAPORE--(BUSINESSWIRE)--EzeSoftware,aglobalproviderofinvestmenttechnology,

Growing Start-Up Automates Front-To-Back Workflows in Record Time

SINGAPORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Eze Software, a global provider of investment technology, has announced that Singapore-based White Oak Capital Partners Pte. Ltd. along with its group Companies in India and Mauritius (White Oak) have gone live on Eze Investment Suite to power their operations. The boutique investment management and advisory firms of White Oak, which were launched by Goldman Sachs Asset Management alumnus Prashant Khemka last year, chose the investment software to power their operations at White Oak. The implementation process took five weeks from start to finish.

White Oak focuses on Indian listed equities using a fundamental bottom-up approach. The team of highly qualified and experienced local experts with global experience sought to unify operations on one platform, so the firm chose Eze Investment Suite to maximize efficiencies and position for global growth. Having unified data flow throughout the operation on a single platform supports White Oak’s commitment to transparency with all stakeholders.

“We wanted a scalable and robust solution to streamline our front-to-back investment operations. Eze Software’s longstanding reputation in financial markets worldwide, its capacity to handle the entire investment process, and its ability to scale as we grow made Eze Investment Suite a good choice for our operations,” said Prashant Khemka, Founder of White Oak.

“We are excited to partner with White Oak Capital in their launch and growth plans,” said R.G. Manalac, Eze Software’s Managing Director, APAC. “Our team was able to work closely with the White Oak team over the past few weeks to get them up and running on the platform quickly and efficiently to ensure their operation is in a good position to support the growing business.”

About White Oak Capital Partners Pte. Ltd.

White Oak Capital Partners Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore-based boutique investment management and investment advisory firm headed by Prashant Khemka, former CIO and Lead Portfolio Manager of India Equity and Global Emerging Markets Equity at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Supported by a team of dedicated investors with a strong investment culture, the firm is committed to fair and transparent relationships with all stake holders. Its mission is to deliver sustained capital appreciation through superior returns over time.

White Oak Capital Partners Pte. Ltd. holds a Capital Services Market (“CMS”) Licence under Securities and Futures Act (“SFA”), Singapore and is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”).

About Eze Software

Eze is a leading global provider of investment management software solutions designed to optimize operational and investment alpha throughout the entire investment process. Eze provides the platform for growth for the entire investment community, maximizing efficiencies across trade order management and execution, portfolio analytics and modeling, operations, compliance and regulatory reporting, commission management, and portfolio management and accounting. For more than 20 years, Boston-based Eze Software has been driving innovation in financial technology. Today, Eze Software partners with more than 2,500 buy- and sell-side institutions in 50 countries from 14 offices worldwide.

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