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IMS Group Continues Its Rapid Expansion by Opening a New Office in London

2022/2/24  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: HONGKONG--(BUSINESSWIRE)--Asia’sleadingdigitaltransformationagency,IntegratedManagementSystems(IMS),anditsventurebuildingarm,IMSDigitalVentures(IMS

HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Asia’s leading digital transformation agency, Integrated Management Systems (IMS), and its venture building arm, IMS Digital Ventures (IMS DV), announce further geographical expansion with a new office in London that will enable the group to better serve the UK and European markets. IMS plans to make its London office a key strategic pillar, with plans to hire over 50 software engineers and business development representatives within the next 12 months.

Building a team in London will enable IMS and IMS DV to access a pool of world-leading technical talent, better serve its UK client base and establish a deeper market presence. On top of that, IMS’ local presence in London will offer a stepping stone to IMS DV’s portfolio companies, such as proptech venture Property Raptor and AI cybertech startup OwlGaze, that are looking to significantly grow their own teams in the region.

“We are incredibly excited to announce our strategic expansion into Europe through the opening of a London office. London is one of the most vibrant entrepreneurial and technology hubs in the world and building a talented team here will help facilitate our continued rapid growth. We already have a strong presence in the city, with many of our existing customers being based in London, but formally announcing our presence here represents the next step in the evolution of IMS and our companies Property Raptor and OwlGaze,” said Anastasios Papadopoulos, founder and CEO of IMS.

About IMS

Integrated Management Systems (IMS) is a leading digital transformation agency with an expert team of over 300 software engineers, digital marketers, and digital consultants. It provides end-to-end digital services including growth marketing, software design, development and implementation, data analytics, and emerging digital technologies. Clients vary from dynamic start-ups to established global brands, such as HSBC, PEPSI, Unilever, lululemon and many more.

Visit website: https://www.imanagesystems.com/
Follow IMS on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/integrated-management-systems-ims-hk-ltd.

About IMS Digital Ventures

IMS Digital Ventures (IMS DV) is the venture building arm of IMS. It leverages the industry-leading tech and digital marketing talent from IMS to create and power multiple high-growth, disruptive, deeptech companies.

Portfolio companies include:

  • Property Raptor (market leading real estate management software)
  • OwlGaze (cybersecurity predictive threat software)
  • OrgHive (organic and natural social commerce platform)
  • Acuity (all-in-one e-commerce solution for SMEs)

Visit website: https://www.imsdv.com/

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