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Approved: Green Light for Joined Company Semikron Danfoss

2022/8/23  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: SEMIKRONandDanfossSiliconPowerjoinforcesinanewbusinesscalledSemikronDanfoss. SemikronDanfosswillinvestsignificantlyininnovation,technology,andcapacitytoen

SEMIKRON and Danfoss Silicon Power join forces in a new business called Semikron Danfoss.
Semikron Danfoss will invest significantly in innovation, technology, and capacity to enable customers’ future growth plans.
Semikron Danfoss will retain the two main locations in Germany, Nuremberg and Flensburg.
Claus A. Petersen will lead the new business as CEO.
Karl-Heinz Gaubatz stepped down from his position as CEO of SEMIKRON on August 22 to focus on his role as CTO and support the merger process until his planned retirement at the end of this year.


SEMIKRON and Danfoss Silicon Power are joining forces to establish the ultimate partner in power electronics. On August 22, less than five months after it was first announced, the new leader in power semiconductor modules started doing business as Semikron Danfoss.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220822005268/en/

With an existing workforce of more than 3,500 dedicated power electronic specialists, Semikron Danfoss will provide world-class technology expertise to its loyal customer base. The merger comes with a strong growth plan and a firm commitment to future investments, paving the way for green growth and a more sustainable, energy efficient, and decarbonized future.

The newly formed Semikron Danfoss joint business will be owned by the current owner-families of SEMIKRON and the Danfoss Group, with Danfoss being the majority owner. Semikron Danfoss will retain the two main locations in Germany, Nuremberg and Flensburg. All global subsidiaries, production sites, as well as distribution channels will continue.

Claus A. Petersen, has been appointed CEO of Semikron Danfoss. “Semikron Danfoss will inspire the future. The timing of the new company is perfect. With strong growth in our key markets – automotive, industry and renewables – the merger is a great opportunity for customers, partners, and our employees. Also, with the emerging technology transition from Silicon to Silicon Carbide, we are set to become the strongest partner of our customers.”

Karl-Heinz Gaubatz stepped down from his position as CEO of SEMIKRON on August 22 to focus on his role as CTO and support the merger process until his planned retirement at the end of this year. “This truly is an exciting moment for SEMIKRON and Danfoss Silicon Power! This merger is the perfect solution for everyone involved,” says Karl-Heinz Gaubatz. “We have succeeded to position SEMIKRON as a market leader in industrial- and renewable-power module applications with 2021 as one of the most successful years in our history. It is only right that we now join forces with an equally driven and innovative company.”

Danfoss President and CEO Kim Fausing will be chairman of the board of Semikron Danfoss. “Electrification is one of the main drivers in the green transition, and Semikron Danfoss technologies are key components within industry, renewable energy, and automotive traction1. Combining more than 90 years of technology leadership in power module packaging, we have the passion, competences, technologies, and commitment to become the preferred decarbonizing partner for customers.”


Semikron Danfoss
Semikron Danfoss is a global technology leader in power electronics. Our product offerings include semiconductor devices, power modules, stacks, and systems.

In a world that is going electric, Semikron Danfoss technologies are more relevant than ever. With our innovative solutions for automotive, industrial, and renewable applications, we help the world use energy more efficiently and sustainably, significantly reducing overall CO2 emissions, one of the biggest challenges we face today.

We take care of our employees and create value for our customers by investing significantly in innovation, technology, capacity, and service to deliver best-in-industry performance and a sustainable future.

1 With the rise of e-mobility, the demand for electric vehicles is expected to increase by 30% each year over the next years. Nearly 10% of global car sales were electric in 2021, four times the market share in 2019, and 64% of global passenger car sales must be electric in 2030 to reach the net zero goal in IEA’s (International Energy Agency) 2050-scenario. This speaks to the enormous growth potential of power modules as they are a key component for powering the electric motor and in vehicle chargers: https://www.iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-2022

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220822005268/en/


For more information

SEMIKRON Press Relations Werner Dorbath
Tel: +49 17630086217
E-Mail: werner.dorbath@semikron-danfoss.com

Danfoss Silicon Power GM Office
Mette Simonsen Nordstrøm
Tel: +45 20418858
E-Mail: press_dsp@danfoss.com

Danfoss Group Communication & Sustainability
Kasper Elbjørn, VP, Head of Communications
Tlf.: +45 2613 7001
E-mail: kasper.elbjorn@danfoss.com

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