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S&B Appoints Jeff Sipes as CEO

2024/3/11  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: HOUSTON--(BUSINESSWIRE)--S&B,aleadingengineeringandconstructionfirmservingtheoil&gasandchemicalsindustries,hasappointedJeffreyG.Sipesaschiefexecutive

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--S&B, a leading engineering and construction firm serving the oil & gas and chemicals industries, has appointed Jeffrey G. Sipes as chief executive officer, effective immediately. Mr. Sipes has served as S&B’s chief commercial officer since 2021.

“S&B has a remarkable record of growth and success over the past sixty years, and we look forward to decades of further success. The markets we serve are changing, creating new opportunities for growth. Jeff is the leader who can successfully guide the company to capitalize on these opportunities. He brings extensive experience and a deep understanding of both S&B’s markets and the company’s distinctive capabilities,” said J. D. Slaughter and J. W. “Brook” Brookshire, the company’s directors.

“I appreciate the confidence that the board has placed in me. S&B has unmatched strengths in many areas of the E&C market. I expect we will bring those capabilities to serving new clients as well as continuing to serve our traditional clients well,” Mr. Sipes said.

Since joining in 2021, Mr. Sipes has overseen S&B’s business development and marketing activities, including new markets and geographies, as well as the firm’s strategic planning. He led the recent strategy review that has set S&B’s future growth path.

Mr. Sipes came to S&B from Bechtel, where he served as Principal Vice President and Manager of Global Business Development focused on strategic planning, customer relationships and exploration of new global markets; he also served on Bechtel’s Operating Committee. He began his career with the engineering and construction firm Chicago Bridge & Iron Company (CB&I). Over his 30+ year career, he has served in project management, business development and leadership roles globally with extensive experience in Latin America, the Middle East and Asia. He holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Texas Tech University. In 2010, he was elected to the Texas Tech Civil Engineering Academy and served as an ambassador for the university’s International Experience Program.

Mr. Slaughter and Mr. Brookshire, who have served as S&B’s Chairman and CEO respectively, will continue as directors. They also announced that Lori Brookshire Garrison and James G. (Jimmy) Slaughter Jr. will join them on S&B’s board of directors.

About S&B

S&B is one of the leading integrated engineering, procurement, and construction firms in the United States, with more than 50 years of experience. S&B designs, builds, and delivers world-scale projects, serving energy, petrochemicals, power and public sectors, with quality, integrity and safety always at the forefront. Connect with us on LinkedIn.

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