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NRI Wins Two Awards for the Annual FTF News Technology Innovation Awards 2016

2016/4/27 9:54:53  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: NRInamed“BestClearing&SettlementSolution”and“BestOutsourcingProvider” NEWYORK--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- NomuraResearchInstitute(NRI),aleadingp

NRI named “Best Clearing & Settlement Solution” and “Best Outsourcing Provider”


Nomura Research Institute (NRI), a leading provider of consulting services and system solutions, today announced it has been awarded “Best Outsourcing Provider” and “Best Clearing and Settlement Solution” by FTF News for its 2016 Technology Innovation Awards.

NRI was awarded the “Best Clearing and Settlement Solution” category for its Prime Settlement Service (PSS) for investment banks. PSS is the first utility service for investment banks in Japan that streamlines post-trade operations by delivering business process outsourcing (BPO) and IT outsourcing (ITO) services as an integrated package with high levels of reliability and stability. The service started in November 2015 and also includes its ITO component I-STAR, ensures clients are able to meet their data security and risk assessments requirements. PSS's BPO services are jointly provided by NRI and its subsidiary NRI Process Innovation, Ltd (NRI-PI), and its current and former BPO clients include forty-four asset management companies. By integrating BPO and ITO services, PSS enables its financial institution partners to standardize their business processes, improve back-office efficiency and flexibly adapt to regulatory and infrastructural changes.

The award for “Best Outsourcing Provider” was given to NRI’s Financial Solutions’ T-STAR suite which works to provide asset managers with total support-cloud framework including a global back-office solution, client reporting tool, data warehousing solution, comprehensive front office solution and financial information data. In addition, the T-STAR suite provides BPO services. T-STAR/TX, a net asset value calculation solution included in the T-STAR has more than 80% of the market share in Japan. Another offering included in the T-STAR suite is NRI’s IDS-BIS, NRI’s integrated data service that aims to assist with the most demanding and labor-intensive aspects of the regulatory initiatives mandated by the Financial Services Agency and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.

“Financial Technologies Forum is excited to present the sixth annual FTF News Technology Innovation Awards and provide recognition to companies and individuals who continuingly showcase their excellence through their noteworthy achievements greatly enhancing the operations landscape,” says Maureen Lowe, founder and publisher of FTF News. “We congratulate NRI for their multiple wins and being recognized as the best in their categories, and we look forward to celebrating with them at our awards gala on May 17th.”

The FTF News Technology Innovation Awards recognize the professionals, vendors, service providers, industry bodies and regulators that have demonstrated exceptional achievement in financial services operations technology during the previous year. The awards will honor winners at the FTF News awards gala at the The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers in New York on Tuesday, May 17th.


Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (“NRI”, TOKYO:4307) is an independent, global IT solutions and consulting services provider with annual sales of 405.9 billion yen as of FY ended March 2015. With front-to-back support for the buy- and sell-side, NRI’s tradition of innovation has positioned them as a trusted international market leader. Leveraging NRI’s global consulting business, NRI is able to provide innovative financial IT solutions for investment banks, asset managers, banks and insurance providers. For more information, visit www.nri.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160425006629/en/



Media Inquiries:
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
Yasuo Togawa / Yukako Seto, +81-3-6270-8100
Corporate Communications Department
Nomura Research Institute America, Inc.
Sayaka Takeda, +1 212-636-0539

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