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Galderma Campaign “Proof in Real Life”: Patients Tell their Stories One Year Later

2016/10/10 13:51:19  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Followingupwiththe“ProofinRealLife”Twins,12monthslater TenpairsoftwinsweretreatedwithRestylane®fillersand/orRestylane

Following up with the “Proof in Real Life” Twins, 12 months later

  • Ten pairs of twins were treated with Restylane® fillers and/or Restylane Skinboosters™.
  • Twelve months later, the twins talk about the fulfillment of their expectations and their satisfaction with treatments in a new film.
  • Leading aesthetic practitioners comment on their patients’ attitudes and responses to treatment.

LAUSANNE, Switzerland -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --

In 2015, Sharon Stone, signed on to the “Proof in Real Life” campaign to help Galderma challenge common misconceptions of aesthetic treatments.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161006006286/en/

Galderma & Sharon Stone unveiled the natural-looking results of Restylane fillers and Restylane Skinboosters in a unique real-life format in Berlin, Germany. The Galderma Proof in Real Life campaign launch event saw ten pairs of identical twins take part in a unique challenge. One twin from each pair received a bespoke treatment plan which consisted of treatments with Restylane fillers, Restylane Skinboosters, or a combination of both. Twelve months on from the original campaign, both twins have now been treated.

Galderma met with them and asked them about their expectations, the results and their feelings, having all received the treatment.

Valuable Insights from the Twins and Aesthetic Professionals

To document their reactions, Galderma has launched a new film containing interviews with a number of the twins as well as insights from leading industry experts, featuring Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists and Aesthetic Physicians.

It was quite an amazing journey for all of us, to be honest”, said Dr. Kuldeep Minocha, the aesthetic practitioner based in London, UK, who performed the treatments. “What was interesting is that all bar one of the sets of twins were treatment naïve. So, they hadn’t had any kind of injectables before. This was a very new step for them.

“So we took a lot of time in understanding what they felt about their skin and skin ageing. We educated them a little bit about the use of injectables, and talked to them about the various properties of what we could do with fillers to try and improve their skin but maintaining things as natural as possible. I think that was the biggest key, particularly when you’re treating patients who are naïve and who have not had any previous treatment and they don’t want too much change. So everything we want to do is to refresh the skin and make them look like the best versions of themselves.”

In the interview, Kelly, one of the twins treated in 2015, described the reactions.

“When I looked in the mirror after my treatments, I was really happy with the results. I was amazed how natural my skin looked, how natural my overall look was, so I was very pleased with what I saw, definitely. A lot of people said, ’You look really fresh, youthful, you’re glowing.’”

Agreement on the Importance of Natural Looking Results

One of the featured elements of the campaign was the focus on achieving natural- looking results. Dr. Van Park, a leading Cosmetic Physician from Sydney, Australia gave her views on patient expectations. “A natural looking result, to me, is undetectable. In my experience, when patients come and see me, they expect to become a better version of themselves. To look the best they can for as long as they can, rather than trying to look 20 years younger. They just want to look fresher and less tired.”

The interviewed professionals agree on this point. Dr. Marie-Thérèse Bousquet, who has worked with aesthetic medicine since 1992, says, “Natural beauty is essential for my patients and for me. They do not want their treatment to be seen.” She continues, “To achieve natural looking results, here is my way of working: I associate different treatments; I never over-correct; I am able to say “no” to the patient. My goal is an improvement of the face without being excessive.”

“Proof in Real Life” of Confidence and Self-Esteem

Another key focus area in the Proof In Real Life Campaign was learning about how patients felt about themselves after treatment.

“Patients often come to me saying they want something to make them look better, but the reality is that they’re asking for something to make them feel better,” says Dr. Steven Dayan, a facial Plastic Surgeon from Chicago, USA. “Perfection of beauty does not equal happiness. What we are actually trying to achieve is to make people feel better about themselves. That’s self-esteem.”

One of the twins, Amie, summed up her experience very eloquently: “I think the main thing people noticed in me after treatment was the confidence I had in myself.”

“The ‘Proof in Real Life’ Campaign has provided some remarkable insights into aesthetic treatments, how achievable and natural-looking these results can be,” said Anne-Sophie Copin, from Galderma. “It has highlighted the important positive effects that aesthetic treatment seem to have, not only on the outside, but also for patients’ confidence, well- being and self-esteem.”

Dr. Steven Dayan sees these kinds of results as central: “This all falls within the realm of what we do as Aesthetic Physicians.” Dr. Dayan concludes, “Restylane has been around for 20 years; it has been on the market in the U.S. since 2003. I’m very comfortable with Restylane and all its capabilities – we understand [Restylane] very well.

Experience for yourself how the twins reacted. Watch Galderma’s film “Proof in Real Life, Twelve Months On”: www.restylane.com

About Galderma:

Dating back to 1961, Galderma is now present in over 100 countries with an extensive product portfolio to treat a range of dermatological conditions. The company partners with health care professionals around the world to meet the skin health needs of people throughout their lifetime. Galderma is a leader in research and development of scientifically-defined and medically-proven solutions for the skin, hair and nails.

About Restylane:

Restylane is a range of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) dermal fillers for facial aesthetic treatments to efficiently reduce lines, folds and wrinkles, create fuller lips, enhance contours and facial volume, as well as improve skin quality, structure and elasticity. Restylane has an established safety profile based on over 2 decades of experience and extensive clinical documentation.

Today, with over 28 million treatments worldwide, Restylane is known for natural-looking results with long-lasting effects and high patient satisfaction. The Restylane range is designed to complement the varying stages of facial aging for truly individualized treatments that suit all patient needs.

Within the Restylane range there are two main product ranges:

  • Restylane fillers, designed to enhance and restore facial features, from targeted superficial filling of wrinkles to deeper facial shaping and contouring.
  • Restylane Skinboosters, a progressive approach to improved skin condition, designed to restore the skin’s hydrobalance and refresh the appearance.


“Proof in Real Life”, Twelve Months On: www.restylane.com

Galderma Launches “Proof in Real Life”: http://proofirl.com/nu/

Legal Disclaimer:
As for all injection treatments using hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, side effects may occur in association with treatment. These side effects are usually mild to moderate, and include transient reactions such as redness, pain, swelling, bruising and/or bumps at the injection sites. Please consult your physician for additional information.
The reactions mentioned in this release are based on the individual’s own experiences and opinions and may not be what others will experience.
“Proof in Real Life” is not being activated in the US.
Restylane, Restylane Skinboosters and Galderma are trademarks of Nestlé Skin Health S.A.

© Nestlé Skin Health S.A. June 2016

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161006006286/en/



Mårten Forrest
Head of PR & Communication
Aesthetic & Corrective Business
Mobile: +46 768 98 1106
E-mail: marten.forrest@galderma.com

(Photo: Business Wire)

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