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Murex Voted Number One Overall Financial Technology Provider in Asia Pacific for the Fourth Consecutive Year

2016/10/10 13:51:20  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: SINGAPORE--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- Murex,theleadingproviderofcross-assettrading,riskmanagementandprocessingsolutionsforcapitalmarketsparticipa


Murex, the leading provider of cross-asset trading, risk management and processing solutions for capital markets participants, is pleased to announce that it has been voted Overall Number One Technology Provider in Asia Risk Magazine’s Technology Rankings for the fourth year running.

The annual Asia Risk Magazine Awards are the culmination of an extensive survey of capital markets participants in the Asia Pacific region. The awards reflect the markets’ preferred vendors’ offerings and how well they meet the requirements of Asian derivatives trading and risk management users.

Murex’s MX.3 platform dominates the Technology Rankings, coming first in a total of 11 categories. Highlights include winning the number one spot for Credit Risk Management and Market Risk Management, as well as Derivatives Pricing and Risk Analytics for Credit and Interest Rate asset classes. At the same time Murex topped three support categories—Implementation Efficiency, After-Sales Service, and Application Service Provider.

Murex entered the Asia Pacific market more than 20 years ago applying the same guiding principles that are at the company’s core: a unique platform model combined with a long-term strategy and a keen commitment to, and understanding of, capital markets participants. This, combined with a significant investment in helping clients meet increasing regulatory obligations while navigating growing systems complexity, has assured Murex’s continued number one position in the region.

"Institutions in Asia-Pacific are looking to develop trusted partnerships with technology providers,” comments Guy Otayek, CEO of Murex Asia Pacific. “They need and expect a partner who can play an advisory role to help them develop and implement a long-term technology strategy to cope with the avalanche of regulatory changes and market transformations that are unfolding. We are thrilled to receive such a high level of recognition and support from our clients in the APAC region.”

Stella Clarke, Murex Chief Marketing Officer, adds “This award recognizes the success of Murex technology partner model as we work closely with clients to lessen their regulatory and technology burdens. Over the last ten years Murex has heavily invested in R&D and our clients are reaping the benefits of the MX.3 platform, which is at the cutting-edge of financial technology. We are both honored and proud to be named Number One Overall Technology Provider by Asia Risk Magazine again this year."

For more information: www.murex.com

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161005006144/en/



Nicole Fisher, +33144053200

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