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TDKs Subsidiary TDK-Micronas to Acquire ASIC Specialist ICsense to Further Grow Its Sensor Business

2017/3/29 8:16:30  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: WiththisacquisitionTDKhasmadeanotherdecisivestepforwardtofurthergrowitssensorbusiness. ASICsperformprocessesessentialtosensorproductsby

With this acquisition TDK has made another decisive step forward to further grow its sensor business. ASICs perform processes essential to sensor products by reading the values detected by sensors and conducting signal processing.

TOKYO -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- TDK Corporation (“TDK”, TOKYO:6762) announced today that TDK’s wholly-owned subsidiary TDK-Micronas GmbH (“TDK-Micronas”), a leading supplier of Hall-effect sensors based in Freiburg, Germany, and ICsense NV have signed an agreement of acquisition of shares, to which TDK-Micronas will make ICsense NV a wholly-owned subsidiary.

Through the acquisition TDK will further boost its sensor and actuator business. TDK is expanding its sensor business by completing a lineup of various sensors, in addition to its own pressure, temperature, current and magnetic sensors. Recently, TDK acquired TDK-Micronas, a leading supplier with the world’s broadest range of Hall-effect sensors and embedded motor controllers for the Automotive and Industrial markets. Furthermore TDK announced the acquisition of the US-based InvenSense, Inc., a global inertial sensor company, and became the majority shareholder of Tronics Microsystems SA, a French MEMS and inertial sensor specialist.

ICsense, Europe’s premier IC design company, is headquartered in Leuven, Belgium. It’s core business is ASIC development and the supply and custom IC design services. ICsense has the largest fab-independent European design group with world-class expertise in analog, digital, mixed-signal and high-voltage IC design. The company develops and supplies customer exclusive ASIC solutions for the automotive, medical, industrial and consumer market. ICsense’s core expertise is sensor and MEMS interfacing, high-voltage IC design, power and battery management. After becoming a TDK group company, ICsense will continue to develop innovative ASICs for its existing and new customers worldwide.

ASICs perform processes essential to sensor products by reading the values detected by sensors and conducting signal processing. ASICs can be used not only in magnetic sensors but also in other sensor products and even in non-sensor products. For these reasons, TDK has decided to acquire ICsense, which has an extensive track record as a manufacturer of ASICs for TDK’s magnetic sensors. The ICsense management team will remain unchanged.

“With this acquisition we have taken another decisive step forward in our sensor business, strengthening our position in the automotive and industrial market and providing increased value and services for our customers,” says Matthias Bopp, General Manager of TDK’s Magnetic Sensors Business Group and CEO of TDK-Micronas. ”Our existing strength in magnetic sensor technology, combined with the expertise gained with this acquisition, puts us in the excellent position to shape the era of all kind of applications for the automotive and industrial industry.”

“As a trusted analog, mixed-signal and high-voltage ASIC development partner, we will be the perfect fit for TDK” says Dr. Bram de Muer, CEO of ICsense. “Our innovative ASICs will further support TDK in implementing its product roadmap and enhance the global strategy for sensors. Having TDK as a strong back-end partner will further enhance ICsense’s ASIC development and supply capabilities for new and existing customers.”

Going forward, TDK will be able to provide a more detailed response to customers and aims to increase its competitiveness in the global market by offering a diverse range of sensor solutions and services.

Corporate Outline of ICsense

1. Name : ICsense NV

2. Location : Leuven, Belgium

3. Representative : Dr.Bram De Muer

4. Established : 2004

5. Main businesses : Development and supply of ASICs, as well as the design of custom ICs

About TDK Corporation
TDK Corporation is a leading electronics company based in Tokyo, Japan. It was established in 1935 to commercialize ferrite, a key material in electronic and magnetic products. TDK's portfolio includes electronic components, modules and systems* marketed under the product brands TDK and EPCOS, power supplies, magnetic application products as well as energy devices, flash memory application devices, and others. TDK focuses on demanding markets in the areas of information and communication technology and consumer, automotive and industrial electronics. The company has a network of design and manufacturing locations and sales offices in Asia, Europe, and in North and South America. In fiscal 2016, TDK posted total sales of USD 10.2 billion and employed about 92,000 people worldwide.

* The product portfolio includes ceramic, aluminum electrolytic and film capacitors, ferrites, inductors, high-frequency components and modules, piezo and protection components, and sensors.

About TDK-Micronas
TDK-Micronas, a TDK group company, is the most preferred partner for sensing and control. TDK-Micronas serves all major automotive electronics customers worldwide, many of them in long-term partnerships for lasting success. While the holding company is headquartered in Zurich (Switzerland), operational headquarters are based in Freiburg (Germany). Currently, the TDK-Micronas Group employs around 900 persons. For more information about TDK-Micronas and its products, please visit www.micronas.com.

About ICsense
ICsense’s core business is ASIC development and supply and custom IC design services. ICsense has the largest fab-independent European design group with world-class expertise in analog, digital, mixed-signal and high-voltage IC design. The company develops and supplies customer exclusive ASIC solutions for the automotive, medical, industrial and consumer market compliant with ISO9001, ISO13485, IEC61508-ISO26262.


View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170328005658/en/



Contacts for media
TDK Corporation (Tokyo, Japan)
Sumio MARUKAWA, +813 6852-7102

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