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Tony Zhang Joins Jeneration Capital as Partner

2017/9/7 10:11:39  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: HONGKONG--(BUSINESSWIRE)--GlobalinvestmentfirmJenerationCapitalManagementtodayannouncedthatTonyZhanghasjoinedthefirmasaPartner.Mr.Zhang

HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Global investment firm Jeneration Capital Management today announced that Tony Zhang has joined the firm as a Partner. Mr. Zhang, who brings nearly a decade of investment and finance experience including most recently as Head of Asia at Coatue Management LLC, will join Jeneration Capital’s team of buy-side professionals focused on direct private investments.“We are excited to have Tony join our core management team in guiding the strategic direction and building the JenCap platform,” said Jimmy Chang, Founder and Partner of Jeneration Capital. “Tony’s track record in technology and expertise in early stage direct investing will be critical in helping deliver alpha to our clients."

Jeneration Capital differentiates itself through its unique “collaborative capital” approach – combining long-term investment capital with strategic advice from its network of highly successful entrepreneurs. The bulk of the firm’s capital comes from leading Asian entrepreneurs in technology and real estate, who provide unique insights into investment decisions and can advise portfolio companies on strategy.

Tony Zhang added, “JenCap is the next generation investment platform and sets itself apart from others in terms of source of capital and ability to dynamically allocate its capital across multiple asset classes. I am very excited to build this platform together with my partners.”

Prior to joining Jeneration Capital, Mr. Zhang was a Partner and Head of Asia for Coatue Management – a leading technology focused hedge fund – where he was in charge of investment activity in the region. Previously, he was an investor with DCM, one of the most successful venture capital firms operating in China. Mr. Zhang has led numerous successful deals, including investments in VIPShop (NYSE: VIPS), 58.com (NYSE: WUBA), Tuniu.com (NASDAQ: TOUR), Didi Chuxing, OFO, and Uxin.

This release does not constitute an offer of any Jeneration Capital product.

About Jeneration Capital Management

Jeneration Capital Management is a global investment firm managing approximately $2 billion in capital with the bulk of its funds coming from Asia’s most innovative entrepreneurs. The firm employs a multi-strategy investment approach with an emphasis on direct investments and dynamic asset allocation. Jeneration Capital leverages its investor network and the collective experience of its proven team of buy-side investment professionals to provide strategic advice and long-term capital to its portfolio companies.



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