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SIRIN LABS Unveils the Design for the Dual-Screen FINNEY, Introducing “Safe Screen” for the First Blockchain Smartphone

2018/7/12 14:12:47  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: WithfootballsuperstarLeoMessiasitsbrandambassador,SIRINLABSwillunveiluniquepatentedfeaturesintheworld’sfirstblockchainsmartphonedesigned

With football superstar Leo Messi as its brand ambassador, SIRIN LABS will unveil unique patented features in the world’s first blockchain smartphone designed for the masses

SCHAFFHAUSEN, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SIRIN LABS (https://sirinlabs.com/) the company that ended 2017 with the fourth largest crowdsale in history by raising $157.8M, is unveiling the final design of the FINNEY™, the first ever blockchain smartphone. The uniquely designed FINNEY™, due to hit markets this November, contains a “Safe Screen” — a standalone screen that functions on dedicated firmware and will be able to independently verify that FINNEY™ wallet transactions are being sent to the correct addresses, allowing users to verify they’re not being tricked by malware or hackers to send their cryptocurrencies or tokens to a fraudulent third party.

The FINNEY™ smartphone will run on SIRIN LABS’ proprietary operating system, SIRIN OS™, which is an ultra- secure and Google-certified “fork” of Android, and will showcase four main features:

  • An embedded cold storage wallet.
  • A comprehensive and multi-layer cybersecurity suite.
  • A Token Conversion Service (TCS).
  • A multi-blockchain DApp store.

FINNEY™ users will be able to activate the embedded cold storage wallet by sliding-up the “Safe Screen.” Combined with the multi-layered SIRIN OS™ security suite and Token Conversion Service, the FINNEY™ will enable safe, secure, and seamless automatic token conversions for various purposes, including purchases for decentralized applications within the SIRIN LABS DApp store. These conversions can be completed without the unnecessary inconvenience of obtaining tokens through an exchange; thus simplifying the complicated user experience.

FIH Mobile (Foxconn International Holdings) has been chosen to manufacture the phone, while SIRIN LABS is leading the development of the cold storage wallet and of SIRIN OS™.

FINNEY’s Design:

  • Sleek and expressive design articulating the vision of the SIRIN LABS aesthetic.
  • 3D Gorilla Glass on both the front and back of the device.
  • Matte back cover 3D glass.
  • High gloss, concave metal frame.
  • Thin bezel and notch display.
  • Metallic signature Shield Element accommodating the camera, sensors, and fingerprint scanner.
  • Secured touch “Safe Screen” for the built-in cold storage wallet to protect against malicious attacks.
  • The unique sliding design “warms” (activates) the cold storage wallet, which readies it for use when opened.
  • User experience designed to cater to the needs of crypto experts and novices alike.

Zvika Landau, Co-CEO, SIRIN LABS: “Our team is honored to present the design for the FINNEY™ blockchain smartphone to the world. We’ve been working around-the-clock to provide our users with a multi-layer cyber protection suite to guard them from network attacks, host attacks, and malware fishing. The secured layers, combined with our revolutionary “Safe Screen” and the ultra-sleek design, enable us to offer our users comprehensive levels of cyber protection. This truly remarkable combination of protection, software, and the design of the phone, cohesively transforms the mobile environment into one that is secure enough for cryptocurrency transactions.”

Click here to watch a 360 video of the design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GE3lwa-ixY&feature=youtu.be


SIRIN LABS is developing the FINNEY™ — the premier open source, ultra-secure blockchain smartphone with an embedded cold storage crypto wallet. Our vision is to bridge the gap between the blockchain economy and the mass market by solving the two greatest barriers to the crypto market: security and user experience. After concluding 2017 with the 4th largest ICO in history, SIRIN LABS has already established strategic partnerships with industry leaders like Cardano and FIH (Foxconn International Holdings- makers of the iPhone, Xbox and Kindle), and has signed on the football superstar, FC Barcelona’s Leo Messi, as its official global Brand Ambassador. FINNEY™ will run on SIRIN OS™, an ultra- secure and Google-certified “fork” of Android.

Learn more at: sirinlabs.com

Follow us on Telegram: https://t.me/sirinlabs.


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