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Revolutionary Digital & Mobile Payment Paradigms, Detailed by Industry Insiders

2018/9/21 9:02:32  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: AcrossAsia,digitalpaymentsareontherise,withnon-cashtransactionsprojectedtoreach$280billionby2020.Duetosupportivegovernmentpolicies,evol

Across Asia, digital payments are on the rise, with non-cash transactions projected to reach $280 billion by 2020. Due to supportive government policies, evolving consumer behavior, and the dizzying pace of technological innovation, payment service providers face enormous pressure from a wide range of competitors. Key stakeholders in the payment ecosystem, including banks, alternative payment providers, telecom operators and retailers, have driven the boundaries of digital payment through continuous innovation and collaboration, providing users with unprecedented new features. Mobile payment platforms in China have taken the industry by storm in recent years, as low credit card penetration, and a mobile-phone centric society, has facilitated exponential growth, a development that has had enormous implications for the Chinese consumer economy.


To support the rapidly evolving payment industry at this important moment in its development, Duxes will host the Payment Asia Summit 2019 on January 10-11, 2019 in Shanghai. The event will gather delegates from across the industry, representing financial institutions, technology companies, mobile service providers, retailers, and government authorities, to address the latest market and regulatory conditions across Asia, cutting-edge payment models including e-wallet functions and aggregate payments, applications for new technologies such as blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and artificial intelligence, improvements to the user experience and payment security, and advice for building a successful payment platform.


The Payment Asia Summit 2019 is Duxes’ first summit tackling the burgeoning digital payment market in Asia, but follows a series of events covering the Fintech sector in China, and across Asia, which have been acclaimed for their thorough content and interactive format. Professionals working in the payment industry, and in related finance, technology, and retail sectors, are welcome to attend.


For further information, please contact:

Ms. Cindy CUI

Tel.: + 86 21 5258 8005 Ext. 8253

Email: cindy.cui@duxes.cn

Website: http://www.duxes-finance.com/payment/index.html

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