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DHgate Forays Into Social Commerce, Unveils Brand New One-Stop SaaS Platform MyyShop to Make Social Power Boost Business

2022/6/14  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: BEIJING--(BUSINESSWIRE)--DHgate,theleadingcross-bordere-commercemarketplaceinChina,hasannouncedtherepositioningofMyyShopasaone-stopsocialcommerceSaaSplat

BEIJING--(BUSINESS WIRE)--DHgate, the leading cross-border e-commerce marketplace in China, has announced the repositioning of MyyShop as a one-stop social commerce SaaS platform. In response to the boom in Generation Z consumer trends and changing use cases for decentralized online shopping, MyyShop enables global merchants by significantly lowering the barrier of cross-border e-commerce business operations through a comprehensive suite of digital solutions. To signify its transformation, MyyShop has unveiled a new logo, the global brand slogan "Social Power Boosts Business", and a brand new website. The new MyyShop logo conveys its "youthful, distinctive, credible, and appealing" image and represents its pathfinder and pioneer spirit as a leader in the rising era of social commerce.

"E-commerce has gone through PC, mobile and social stages, and the emergence of Generation Z boosts new business models catering to niche markets and unique demands. We see strong growth in this new model, including the growth of the creator economy and social e-commerce around the world. DHgate's strategy is to focus on the continuous growth of the global social commerce sector, the Group’s dual-driving engine of DHgate.com and MyyShop offers both a centralized and decentralized model as well as comprehensive products and services; this is also our unique advantage in the industry," said Diane Wang, Founder, Chairperson, and CEO of DHgate Group.

"To date, everyone is both a consumer and a seller, and everyone can ‘connect’ directly to the producer. Whether they are a merchant, social influencer, content creator, micro trader, or individual business owner, MyyShop aims to help people turn social power into good business at every step in their cross-border e-commerce business journey."

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, social e-commerce creators are worth at least $104.2 billion, with more than 50 million creators using the Internet to showcase their work directly to global audiences. To lower the entrance barrier and empower social media content creators worldwide, including their entrepreneurial potential and ability to monetize traffic, MyyShop has rolled out a slew of new functions this time. This includes XianZhi.AI, which is a short video analytics tool powered by AI and big data technology that helps users stay on top of popular social media trends as well as efficiently select and advertise the best matching products. There is also the social commerce site builder, StarShift, which helps to build a high-converting e-commerce site from scratch in minutes, and StarLink, an end-to-end livestreaming commerce and e-learning platform that offers live streaming online courses and step-by-step tutorials. The integrated cross-border marketing service platform Niumktg, also provides a wide variety of marketing products and tailor-made solutions, from influencer affiliate marketing to "One-Click" omnichannel ad placement. Finally, DHLink, the cross-border smart logistics platform, offers direct shipment, full-chain logistics fulfillment service, and a global warehouse network.

MyyShop officially launched in 2020. To date, the number of registered users for MyyShop has surpassed 100,000 in the African market alone. Less than two years after launching, MyyShop is currently boosting more than 2.26 million products and working with more than 110,000 online influencers worldwide. In the first quarter of 2022, the number of active users on MyyShop has achieved year-on-year growth of 76.3%, while the number of paid users on MyyShop has achieved a year-on-year increase of 65.6%.

According to a report by consulting firm Accenture, the global social commerce market will grow three times faster than traditional e-commerce to $1.2 trillion US dollars by 2025, which is expected to account for 62% of all e-commerce spending. “We anticipate the GMV generated by MyyShop partnering with influencers and content creators around the world to reach more than 400 million USD this year; our goal is to empower our partnering influencers and content creators to surpass $1 billion USD in GMV in the next three years, and also reach more than 1 million active users” explained Diane Wang.

About MyyShop

MyyShop, a cross-border e-commerce Software as a Service (SaaS) platform launched by DHgate in 2020, aims to help MSMEs, especially entry-level merchants and individuals with social influence, run their own online stores as direct sellers, turn their impact into a good business. Committed to engaging everyone in global trade, MyyShop connects Chinese manufacturing capacity with private domain traffic to lower the barrier of opening and operating a cross-border e-commerce business, with its advantages in smart product recommendation, social commerce site builder, cross-border marketing services, and smart logistics. For more information, please visit MyyShop.com and follow @MyyShopOfficial

About DHgate

Founded in 2004, DHgate has become the leading B2B cross-border e-commerce marketplace in China. Through our global operations and offices, including in the USA and UK, we reach millions of people with trusted products and services. As of December 31, 2021, DHgate served more than 46 million registered buyers from 223 countries and regions by connecting them to over 2.4 million sellers in China and other countries, with over 37 million live listings on the platform annually. For more information, please visit dhgate.com and follow @DHgate.com.

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