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Spesolimab meets primary and key secondary endpoint for prevention of generalized pustular psoriasis flares

2023/2/1  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: SpesolimabEFFISAYIL2trialshowedsignificantpreventionofgeneralizedpustularpsoriasis(GPP)flaresforupto48weeks1,2 ResultsbuildondatafromtheEFFISAYIL1trial,demo

Spesolimab EFFISAYIL 2 trial showed significant prevention of generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) flares for up to 48 weeks1,2
Results build on data from the EFFISAYIL 1 trial, demonstrating the rapid and sustained pustular and skin clearance in flaring adult GPP patients treated with spesolimab3
GPP is a rare and unpredictable systemic skin disease that is distinct from plaque psoriasis in both its disease mechanism and severity4

INGELHEIM, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--EFFISAYIL™ 2 met its primary and key secondary endpoint, demonstrating that spesolimab, an anti-interleukin-36 receptor antibody, can prevent flares in adolescents and adults with generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) up to 48 weeks.1,2 Safety data were in line with previously conducted clinical trials with spesolimab.

“Painful GPP flares can occur suddenly, escalate quickly, and may require urgent hospital care leaving people anxious and uncertain about what the future might hold,” said Carinne Brouillon, Member of the Board of Managing Directors, responsible for Human Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim. “The EFFISAYIL™ 2 results reinforce the potential of spesolimab to prevent GPP flares, giving patients the power to plan their lives, regardless of their disease. We look forward to presenting the data later this year and sharing the findings with regulatory authorities.”

GPP is a rare skin disease, which is distinct from plaque psoriasis.4 GPP flares greatly affect a person’s quality of life and can lead to serious and life-threatening complications, including heart failure, renal failure, and sepsis.4

Spesolimab (marketed as SPEVIGO®) is currently indicated for the treatment of GPP flares in adults.

About spesolimab

Spesolimab is a novel, humanized, selective antibody that blocks the activation of the interleukin-36 receptor (IL-36R), a signaling pathway within the immune system shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of several autoinflammatory diseases, including GPP.4,6,7 Spesolimab has been approved by regulatory authorities in several countries including the US, Japan, Mainland China and the European Union to treat GPP flares in adults.8,9

It is the first approved treatment to specifically target the IL-36 pathway for the treatment of GPP flares that has been evaluated in a statistically powered, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Further spesolimab data is expected later this year, including the final EFFISAYIL™ 2 results investigating prevention of GPP flares. Spesolimab is also under investigation for the treatment of other IL-36 mediated skin diseases.10

About the EFFISAYIL clinical trial program

The EFFISAYIL™ clinical trial program includes:

  • EFFISAYIL™ 1: Treatment with spesolimab demonstrated rapid pustular and skin clearance in patients with GPP flares, sustained over 12 weeks.3 These results supported the approval of spesolimab (SPEVIGO®) as the first specific treatment for GPP flares in adults in major markets including the US, Japan, Mainland China and the European Union.8,9
  • EFFISAYIL™ 2: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase IIb study evaluating the efficacy and safety of maintenance treatment with subcutaneous (SC) spesolimab for the prevention of GPP flares and sustained control of GPP symptoms in adolescents and adults.1,2
  • EFFISAYIL™ ON: To evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of Spesolimab in patients with GPP, who have completed previous Spesolimab trials.5

Results from the EFFISAYIL™ 2 and EFFISAYIL™ ON trials will be presented later this year.

For the full press release including ‘Notes to Editors’ and references please visit: press release

European Commission approves SPEVIGO (spesolimab) for generalized pustular psoriasis flares
CHMP recommends conditional marketing authorization for Spesolimab as first in class treatment optio
Alibaba Group Pursues Primary Listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Newly published trial results showed spesolimab significantly improved signs and symptoms of flare i
New Phase 3 Data Show TAK-620 (maribavir), an Investigational Drug for the Treatment of Transplant R

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