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Dimension Data: Cybercriminals Target the Retail Sector

2016/4/22 9:09:42  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Organisationsintheretailsectorexperiencedalmostthreetimesasmanyattacksasthoseinthefinancialsector JOHANNESBURG--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- Newre

Organisations in the retail sector experienced almost three times as many attacks as those in the financial sector


New research published today in the NTT 2016 Global Threat Intelligence Report reveals that cybercriminals have shifted their focus from traditional financial markets, to targeting the retail sector. Retail organisations experienced nearly three times as many cyberattacks as those in the finance sector which was top of the list of cyberattacks on organisations in the 2015 report. Cyberattacks on financial industry dropped significantly to fourteenth position

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160420006142/en/

NTT’s annual Global Threat Intelligence Report contains security threats gathered during 2015 from 8,000 clients of NTT Group security companies including Dimension Data, Solutionary, NTT Com Security, NTT R&D, and NTT Innovation Institute (NTTi3). This year’s data is based on 3.5 trillion security logs and 6.2 billion attacks. Data is also gathered from 24 Security Operations Centres and seven research and development centres of the NTT Group.

The retail sector topped the list of all cybersecurity attacks on all sectors at just under 11% in this year’s report, knocking the finance sector out of first place.

Matthew Gyde, Dimension Data’s Group Executive – Security, explains: “The retail and financial sectors process large volumes of personal information and credit card data. Gaining access to these organisations enables cybercriminals to monetise sensitive data such as credit card details in the black market, which validates that cybercriminals are motivated by the rewards of financial crime.

“Retail companies are becoming increasingly popular targets as most process large volumes of personal information, including credit card data, in highly distributed environments with many endpoints and point-of-service devices. Such diverse environments can be difficult to protect.”

Other highlights in the NTT 2016 Global Threat Intelligence Report include:

·         65% of attacks originated from IP addresses within the US. However, these IP addresses which could be located anywhere in the world. Cybercriminals are adopting low-cost, highly available, and geographically strategic infrastructure to perpetrate malicious activities.

·         Cybercriminals are increasingly leveraging malware to breach the perimeter defences of organisations. In 2015 there was an 18% increase in malware across all industries, excluding the education sector.

·         The frequency and complexity of malware is becoming more stealthy and sophisticated: while organisations are developing ¹sandboxes to better understand cybercriminal’s tactics to protect themselves from attacks, at the same time, malware developers are aggressively developing anti-sandbox techniques.

·         Analysis of ²honeynet attacks in organisations reveals that attackers are making use of telcos and hosting providers to conduct their operations.

Visit www.dimensiondata.com/globalthreatreport to download the Executive Guide to the 2016 NTT Global Threat Intelligence Report.


¹ sandbox: software that executes suspicious code in a highly protected environment and examines its activities sandboxes
² honeynet & honeypot: Honeypot: decoy systems set up to gather information about an attack or attacker and to potentially deflect that attack from a corporate environment. Honeynet: a network containing honeypot systems

About Dimension Data
Dimension Data harnesses the transformative power of technology to help organisations achieve great things in the digital era. As a member of the NTT Group, we focus on digital infrastructure, hybrid cloud, workspaces for tomorrow, cybersecurity, and network as the platform. With a turnover of USD 7.5 billion and offices in 58 countries, we deliver services wherever our clients are, at every stage of their technology journey. Accelerate your ambition. Go to dimensiondata.com

Twitter: @didatasecurity #globalthreatreport
LinkedIn: Dimension Data Security

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160420006142/en/



Hilary King, Global PR Manager
Dimension Data plc
Tel : +27 11 575 6728
Cell: +27 82 414 9623

2016 NTT Global Threat Intelligence Report - cyber attacks by sector (Photo: Business Wire)

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