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Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Itron as 2016 Asia Pacific Smart Grid Solutions Company of the Year

2016/12/16 10:20:31  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: AwardapplaudsOpenWayRivasolutionandItron’sexemplaryperformanceaddressingcustomerneeds LIBERTYLAKE,Wash.--(BUSINESSWIRE)--Itron,Inc.(NASD

Award applauds OpenWay Riva solution and Itron’s exemplary performance addressing customer needs

LIBERTY LAKE, Wash. -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Itron, Inc. (NASDAQ: ITRI), a world-leading technology and services company dedicated to the resourceful use of energy and water, announced today that it has been honored as the 2016 Asia Pacific Smart Grid Solutions Company of the Year by Frost & Sullivan for its comprehensive smart grid solutions. The award was presented during Australian Utility Week and recognizes the company’s exemplary performance in 2015 as a result of its ability to address unmet customer needs and exceed their expectations with Itron’s OpenWay Riva™ IoT solution.

“Itron is a leader in technology and services, offering solutions to utilities across the globe that help them be more resourceful with energy and water. The company has demonstrated an ability to meet the emerging needs of the Asia Pacific smart grid solutions market with its OpenWay Riva solution,” said Avanthika Satheesh, industry analyst for energy and environment at Frost & Sullivan. “Based on the company’s strong overall performance during the year, Itron rightly deserves the 2016 Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Smart Grid Solutions Company of the Year.”

With the OpenWay Riva solution, Itron is bringing its global experience and capabilities to the Asia Pacific's smart grid solutions sector, addressing unmet needs including diversion detection and renewable integration. According to the report, “the powerful distributed computing platform, coupled with its innovative adaptive communications technology running on an open, standards-compliant IPv6 network, has been met with a positive response from the market.”

The smart grid solutions market in the Asia Pacific region saw significant developments in 2015 with an increase in smart metering, demand response and grid automation investments in Japan and South Korea. Smart grid testbeds and smart metering trials grew in Southeast Asia and Australasia. Ever-increasing migration toward urban centers and pressure to better manage resources are main drivers for these developments.

“Itron is proud to be recognized as the Asia Pacific Smart Grid Solutions Company of the Year. With our OpenWay Riva solution, we are helping our customers in the Asia Pacific region and around the world unlock significant new value from their distribution system operations and customer service. The solution delivers new value in distribution system efficiency, reliability, safety and new services, allowing our customers to manage energy and water more resourcefully,” said Paul Nelsen, Itron vice president for Electricity, Asia Pacific.

About Itron

Itron is a world-leading technology and services company dedicated to the resourceful use of energy and water. We provide comprehensive solutions that measure, manage and analyze energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, gas, water and thermal energy measurement devices and control technology; communications systems; software; as well as managed and consulting services. With thousands of employees supporting nearly 8,000 customers in more than 100 countries, Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources. Together, we can create a more resourceful world. Join us: www.itron.com.

Itron® and OpenWay® are registered trademarks of Itron, Inc. All third party trademarks are property of their respective owners and any usage herein does not suggest or imply any relationship between Itron and the third party unless expressly stated.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161214005349/en/



Itron, Inc.
Sharelynn Moore, +1-509-891-3524
Vice President, Global Marketing and Public Affairs

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