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Philip Morris International Recognized for Environmental Leadership on CDP’s A List for Climate and Water

2017/10/26 10:00:50  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: LAUSANNE,Switzerland--(BUSINESSWIRE)--PhilipMorrisInternationalInc.(“PMI”)(NYSE/EuronextParis:PM)todaywasagainrecognizedasa

LAUSANNE, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Philip Morris International Inc. (“PMI”) (NYSE/Euronext Paris: PM) today was again recognized as a global leader for environmental action in the annual CDP rankings. For the fourth year in a row, PMI is on the CDP Climate A List for taking comprehensive action on climate change and for its transparent disclosure process. In addition, PMI achieved A List status for CDP Water, recognizing the company’s water stewardship initiatives. PMI is one of only 25 companies that scored an A for both climate and water, placing the company in the top 1% of corporations known as the “A Listers” for both schemes.CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, is the leading international not-for-profit organization independently assessing the environmental efforts of thousands of companies worldwide against its scoring methodology. More than 3,000 major companies submitted information for independent assessment for 2016. CDP’s A List recognizes companies around the world, spanning different industries, for leadership in their actions to address environmental risk during the past reporting year. Its environmental benchmark reports are produced at the request of 827 investors with assets of US$100 trillion.

Commenting on the results, André Calantzopoulos, PMI Chief Executive Officer said:

“Climate change and clean water shortage are among the biggest challenges facing humanity today. I am proud that PMI is one of only 25 companies that achieved double “A List” status for both climate and water in CDP’s rankings, and moving forward, even more global action is needed and must be encouraged to collectively address these environmental priorities.”

PMI has made a number of environmental improvements and introduced new initiatives in 2016. Highlights include:

  • An absolute carbon emissions reduction of more than 4% compared to 2015 resulting in a saving of approximately 250,000 tons of CO2 per year versus 2010 thanks to environmental improvements in our operations;
  • The adoption of science-based targets to achieve a 40% reduction of our carbon footprint across our entire value chain by 2030 and a 60% reduction by 2040;
  • The introduction of an internal price on carbon to help us rank and prioritize our carbon-reduction projects to meet our ambitious targets, such as plans to have 80% of the electricity used in our factories coming from renewable sources by 2030; and
  • A company-wide water footprint analysis, risk assessment, and set of initiatives throughout our entire value chain enabling us to make step changes in water stewardship.

The A-List and full company scores are available on CDP’s website at https://www.cdp.net/en/scores-2017.

For more information, log onto www.pmi.com/sustainability and read our Sustainability Report.

Philip Morris International Inc.

Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) is a leading international tobacco company, with six of the world's top 15 international brands and products sold in more than 180 markets. In addition to the manufacture and sale of cigarettes, including Marlboro, the number one global cigarette brand, and other tobacco products, PMI is engaged in the development and commercialization of reduced-risk products (RRPs). RRPs is the term PMI uses to refer to products that present, are likely to present, or have the potential to present less risk of harm to smokers who switch to these products versus continued smoking. Through multidisciplinary capabilities in product development, state-of-the-art facilities, and industry-leading scientific substantiation, PMI aims to provide an RRP portfolio that meets a broad spectrum of adult smoker preferences and rigorous regulatory requirements. For more information, see PMI and PMI Science.

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