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Tricor Appoints Joe Wan as Deputy CEO of Hong Kong

2018/7/18 9:45:14  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: HONGKONG--(BUSINESSWIRE)--TricorGroup(“Tricor”),isAsia’sleadingproviderofbusiness,corporateandinvestorservices.OurH

HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tricor Group (“Tricor”), is Asia’s leading provider of business, corporate and investor services. Our Hong Kong operations is the flagship business with over 10,000 clients including over 1,200 listed on the HK stock exchange with over 700 professionals. We are delighted to announce today the appointment of Joe Wan as Deputy CEO of Hong Kong. He will report to Natalia Seng, the Chief Executive Officer of Tricor China and Hong Kong. Joe will be responsible for leading the commercial development and operations of the Hong Kong business encapsulating the corporate and business services functions.

Joe joins Tricor from Everbright Sun Hung Kai Limited, a full-securities-licensed integrated financial service provider, where he served as the Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer. At Everbright Sun Hung Kai Limited, Joe has demonstrated his capabilities in helping grow that business and to manage the key clients. This expertise will further underpin Tricor’s growth especially in building synergies with our clients in China.

“Joe Wan is an exceptionally capable business leader, innovator and problem solver. I am delighted that he is taking on this vital role in Tricor’s Hong Kong leadership team and excited for the next stage of Tricor’s continued growth. His fresh insights and commercial acumen will ensure great results for Tricor’s clients in Hong Kong, enhancing our position as the region’s preferred provider of business solutions,” said Natalia Seng.

A Certified Public Accountant (HK), Joe brings financial leadership and business development experience to the Tricor team. He has held senior leadership roles at MetLife Limited and PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he led the financial controller function as well as represented corporate clients in making acquisitions and private clients in fund-raising, private equity, and identifying acquisition opportunities.

Lennard Yong, Tricor Group CEO, added: “We are delighted that Joe has joined our senior management team in Hong Kong. His extensive experience across a broad range of roles makes him an agile new leader for both our clients and colleagues. We are confident he will play a vital role in enhancing our offer to our clients, helping them to focus even more closely on what matters most—building their business.”

About Tricor

About Tricor Group

Tricor Group (Tricor) has a growing global presence and is Asia’s leading provider of integrated business, corporate and investor services. As a business enabler, Tricor provides outsourced expertise across payroll, accounting, corporate secretarial, and investor services. Tricor has had a rapid expansion through organic growth and development as well as mergers and acquisitions, today with 29,000 clients globally, staff strength of over 2,000 and a network of offices in 37 cities across 20 countries / territories. Our client portfolio includes over 1,100 companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, more than 500 companies listed in Singapore and Malaysia, over 40% of Fortune Global 500 companies, as well as a significant share of multinationals and private enterprises operating across international markets. In March 2017, the Permira Funds became the controlling shareholder of the Tricor Group, alongside management. See: www.tricorglobal.com.

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