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2017/6/26 8:53:55  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: ASEANRAILSUMMIT2017whichhostedbyShine-ConsultantandacquirethesupportofSMRTandSPAD,willopenon6th-7th,Sep,2017. Thissummitisaccordingtopr

ASEAN RAIL SUMMIT 2017 which hosted by Shine-Consultant and acquire the support of SMRT and SPAD, will open on 6th-7th, Sep, 2017.

This summit is according to president Xi’s strategic concept One Belt One Road and the theme is One Belt One Road” for All-dimensional Connectivity Rail Technology Innovation to a Win-Win Cooperation, This Two-Day strategic conference, designed to address the key challenges and opportunities in the cross-border rail cooperation within Southeast Asia, targeted to create an exchange platform for global rail leaders to get a better understanding of ASEAN rail development, to seek further chances of working together for a safe, smart and efficient rail network in ASEAN.


(i)Event background

As the world's fastest growing region, Southeast Asia's emerging economies continuously captured worldwide attention. Against the global economic slowdown, the ASEAN and India however are growing rapidly. Especially the ASEAN countries, whose economy is expected to grow by 4.7 percent in 2017. According to the Asian Development Bank, infrastructure investment in Southeast Asia is estimated to reach $3147 billion by 2030.

Rail infrastructure cooperation has been extensively conducted within Southeast Asian countries under the release of ASEAN’s Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 (MPAC2025) and the China’s initiative of One Belt One Road. It is estimated that the total planned and under-constructed rail projects are over 40,000 kilometers. The Trans-Asian Railway Network construction further deepen the bilateral cooperation between ASEAN and its neighbors. The ASEAN countries are now seeking international cooperation in the fields of rail financing and technology to boost the transportation infrastructure development.

(ii) Hot Topic

l  How to understand China’s “One belt, One road” policy under the background of its big movement and successful penetration into ASEAN countries?

l  How to assess the present transnational rail project cooperation in ASEAN area? What is the future of the Trans-Asian Railway Network construction?

l  How to deal with the funding challenges in the new rail projects or project upgrades? What can we expect from PPP model and how to attract private investment in infrastructure development?

l  How to maximize the land resources along the urban rail transit lines?

l  How to operate the rail asset management to realize rail project sustainable development?

l  How to manage the sharply increasing passenger capacity and highly operational demand? Are there any efficient models or mechanisms from global major rail operators?

l  How to take advantage of signaling and communication technology innovations to improve operation performance?

l  How to improve the power supply system to ensure rail reliability and reduce operation cost?

l  Case study of new projects in ASEAN area, such as China-Laos Railway, China-Thailand Railway, Malaysia-Singapore Railway, Djakarta- Bandung Railway etc.

l  Future opportunities and challenges of global rail cooperation in ASEAN countries?

(iii) Highlight Spot


For more information, please feel free to contact Ms. yuan

HOT LINE: +86(21)5242 8133

T:+86(21)5242 8097


Website: http://en.shine-consultant.com/prod_view.aspx?TypeId=11&Id=218&FId=t3:11:3

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