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Bentley Systems Named 2018 Microsoft CityNext Partner of the Year

2018/6/19 8:15:48  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: BentleyrecognizedforhelpingMalaysia’sMassRapidTransitCorporationingoingdigitalforaworld-classrailwayproject EXTON,Pa.--(BUSINESSWIRE)--B

Bentley recognized for helping Malaysia’s Mass Rapid Transit Corporation in going digital for a world-class railway project

EXTON, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bentley Systems today announced it has received a 2018 Microsoft Partner of the Year award. Bentley was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of user solutions based on Microsoft technology.

Awards were announced in 39 categories, with winners chosen from more than 2,600 entrants from 115 countries worldwide. Bentley Systems was recognized for providing outstanding solutions and services in the CityNext Partner of the Yearcategory.

Bentley Systems CEO Greg Bentley said, “We are honored to have received this prestigious award which recognizes Bentley as a provider of cloud-based software solutions powered by Azure, for the advancement of infrastructure projects throughout the world, and specifically for Mass Rapid Transit Corporation’s [MRTC] outstanding Sungai Buloh-Serdang-Putrajaya [SSP] line in Malaysia. MRTC is going digital, harnessing Bentley and Microsoft technology to deliver one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects ever undertaken in Asia.”

With more than 1.7 million people residing in just 94 square miles, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia has one of the highest population densities globally. As a result, it is estimated that residents living in the Greater Klang Valley region collectively spend 280 million hours per year stuck in traffic. The SSP line is the second line of MRTC’s Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit railway project, which will create better mobility for residents and make it possible to ease traffic by an estimated 160,000 cars daily. As Malaysia’s largest infrastructure project, the SSP line includes 11 interchange stations, making it easier for commuters to transfer to existing and future rail lines, while 16 stations will have park and ride facilities. In addition to creating an estimated 130,000 new employment opportunities, the line has the potential to generate RM 20 billion in cost savings per year as a result of reduced traffic congestion.

The MRTC project team utilizes Bentley OpenRail’s connected data environment comprising the shared services of ProjectWise and AssetWise, powered by Microsoft Azure to ensure seamless information exchange, real-time collaboration, and management of asset information across the lifecycle, among hundreds of team members.

Poh Seng Tiok, director of planning and design for MRTC noted that on a project of this scale and complexity, it is essential to effectively manage and share the huge amount of data across the entire project—from design and construction, through to operation and asset management.

Mr. Poh said, “We need to make sure that all the different [project] phases are well covered and information that we build up during design, and during construction are taken forward during the operation and maintenance stage for better understanding. By turning to the Bentley/Microsoft cloud-based solution, we are able to streamline collaboration across all teams and identify and mitigate potential issues, before they impact cost, schedule, and safety. We expect to increase productivity by about 35 percent, through reducing design rework by providing real-time, accurate information.”

Through the partnership with Bentley Systems and Microsoft, MRTC expects to complete the project on time and within budget by 2022. Watch the project video here. Learn more about the featured project here.

“Our ecosystem of partners is crucial to delivering transformative solutions, and this year’s winners have proven to be some of the finest among their peers,” said Gavriella Schuster, corporate vice president, One Commercial Partner, Microsoft Corp. “We are pleased to recognize Bentley Systems for being selected as winner of the 2018 Microsoft CityNext award.”

About Microsoft’s Partner of the Year Awards

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognize Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered exceptional Microsoft-based solutions during the past year. Award winners are recognized at Microsoft Inspire, Microsoft’s annual partner event, to be held this year in Las Vegas, July 15 through 19. Learn more about the awards program.

About Bentley Systems

Bentley Systems is a global leader dedicated to providing engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive software solutions for advancing infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 3,500 colleagues in over 50 countries, and is on track to surpass an annual revenue run rate of $700 million. Since 2012, Bentley has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions. www.bentley.com

Bentley, the “B” Bentley logo, AssetWise and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

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