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Siemens and Alibaba Cloud Partner to Power Industrial Internet of Things in China

2018/7/11 8:48:19  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: MoUsignedunderthewitnessofGermanchancellorandChinesepremier SiemensMindSpheretobedeployedandoperatedonAlibabaCloud’sinfrastructureforChi

MoU signed under the witness of German chancellor and Chinese premier
Siemens MindSphere to be deployed and operated on Alibaba Cloud’s infrastructure for China Mainland market

BERLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Siemens and Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today to partner to foster the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) in China. The two companies will leverage each other’s technology and industry resources to build a unique IoT solution to support Industrie 4.0, China’s manufacturing upgrade and transformation and other industrial Internet initiatives. Joe Kaeser, President and CEO of Siemens AG and Simon Hu, Senior Vice President of Alibaba Group and President of Alibaba Cloud signed the MoU in Berlin under the witness of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang during his official visit to Germany.

“We continue to build our global industrial digital network by partnering with Alibaba Cloud. This cooperation is a landmark deal for bringing Industrie 4.0-solutions to China as the world’s powerhouse of manufacturing. Our customers will be able to unlock the potential of the Industrial Internet of Things with MindSphere now also on the leading Chinese cloud platform,” said Joe Kaeser. “Today, we further strengthen our global leadership in automating and digitalizing the industrial world.”

“Today’s landmark partnership marks an exciting step towards Alibaba Cloud’s goal to enable digital transformation across the globe. We are delighted to partner with Siemens and together we hope to accelerate the adoption of IoT products and services that will create industry-wide breakthroughs and progress,” said Simon Hu.

As part of Siemens’ comprehensive digital offerings, MindSphere is Siemens’ cloud-based, open IoT operating system that delivers a wide range of device and enterprise connectivity options, robust applications, advanced analytics, and closed-loop innovation with complete digital twin solutions. The implementation of MindSphere on Alibaba Cloud will provide compelling services for companies in China Mainland to innovate with advanced industrial solutions.

Under the MoU, both companies will begin collaborating immediately and intend to make MindSphere on Alibaba Cloud available in 2019.

This press release and a press picture is available at http://www.siemens.com/press/PR2018070249COEN

For further information on MindSphere, please see: http://www.siemens.com/MindSphere

About Siemens AG

Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a global technology powerhouse that has stood for engineering excellence, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality for 170 years. The company is active around the globe, focusing on the areas of electrification, automation and digitalization. One of the world’s largest producers of energy-efficient, resource-saving technologies, Siemens is a leading supplier of efficient power generation and power transmission solutions and a pioneer in infrastructure solutions as well as automation, drive and software solutions for industry. With its publicly listed subsidiary Siemens Healthineers AG, the company is also a leading provider of medical imaging equipment – such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging systems – and a leader in laboratory diagnostics as well as clinical IT. In fiscal 2017, which ended on September 30, 2017, Siemens generated revenue of €83.0 billion and net income of €6.2 billion. At the end of September 2017, the company had around 377,000 employees worldwide. Further information is available on the Internet at www.siemens.com.

About Alibaba Cloud

Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (www.alibabacloud.com), the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, is among the world’s top three IaaS providers according to Gartner, and the largest provider of public cloud services in China, according to IDC. Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to businesses worldwide, including merchants doing business on Alibaba Group marketplaces, start-ups, corporations and government organizations. Alibaba Cloud is the official Cloud Services Partner of the International Olympic Committee.

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