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Travelxp 4K Joins SES Ultra HD Line-up in North America

2016/12/20 8:49:18  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Internationaltravelchannelinksdistributiondealaboardleading4KplatformandbecomesSES’s21stcommercialUHDchannel LUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESSWIRE)-

International travel channel inks distribution deal aboard leading 4K platform and becomes SES’s 21st commercial UHD channel


SES S.A. (Euronext Paris:SESG) (LuxX:SESG) today announced that Travelxp 4K, an international travel channel, will make its Ultra HD debut next month on SES’s growing Ultra HD distribution platform serving cable operators and multichannel television platforms throughout North America.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161218005060/en/

Offering audiences compelling stories from faraway places, the world’s first 4K travel channel, Travelxp 4K, is set to launch on the SES-1 satellite, one of a trio of SES satellites (SES-1, SES-3, AMC-18) that are home to the region’s leading Ultra HD distribution platform. Travelxp 4K, licensed to multichannel video program distributors (MVPDs) by Vivicast Media, is the latest in a series of Ultra HD channels to join SES’s Ultra HD platform, home to nine linear Ultra HD channels as of January. SES has now signed distribution agreements with more than 30 Ultra HD channels globally, of which 21 are commercial.

Travelxp 4K, a venture of Celebrities Management Private Limited in India, features hundreds of hours of world class travel programs filmed all over the world. The 4K channel follows the success of Travelxp HD, which offers 100% originally-produced premium travel and lifestyle programming distributed to over 50 million homes globally. Travelxp 4K will showcase global travel content with breathtaking images in 10 bit REC2020 color space with HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma) HDR (High Dynamic Range).

“Travelxp 4K is all about bringing the world to homes in stunning resolution. 10 bit REC2020 with HLG HDR will make the viewing experience more immersive and vivid. It’s not just about more pixels in 4K but better pixels,” explained Prashant Chothani, CEO, Travelxp 4K. “We are delighted to offer viewers a closer and more fascinating look at the world’s most beautiful travel destinations, cultures, and heritage like never before with our 100% original and exclusive 4K programming. By joining SES’s growing Ultra HD bouquet and content distribution platform, Travelxp 4K is well-positioned to reach significant audiences across North America.”

“SES has created the best and largest bouquet of stunning 4K programming in a single location around the world,” said Steve Corda, Vice President of Business Development in North America for SES. “People across the U.S. and North America are purchasing Ultra HD TVs at a record pace, with a surge expected this holiday season. Millions of television viewers are now expecting to watch 4K programming on their new screens, and cable operators and other television platform providers are on the verge of satisfying this growing demand with the historic home delivery of linear Ultra HD in the coming weeks and months.”

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About SES

SES is the world-leading satellite operator and the first to deliver a differentiated and scalable GEO-MEO offering worldwide, with more than 50 satellites in Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) and 12 in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO). SES focuses on value-added, end-to-end solutions in four key market verticals (Video, Enterprise, Mobility and Government). It provides satellite communications services to broadcasters, content and internet service providers, mobile and fixed network operators, governments and institutions, and businesses worldwide. SES’s portfolio includes the ASTRA satellite system, which has the largest Direct-to-Home (DTH) television reach in Europe, and O3b Networks, a global managed data communications service provider. Another SES subsidiary, MX1, is a leading media service provider and offers a full suite of innovative digital video and media services. Further information available at: www.ses.com.

About Celebrities Management Private Limited

Celebrities Management Private Limited is a privately held company in India, with interest in broadcast, advertising, media consulting and other related services. The company operates 7 (seven) satellite channels across the globe across its group companies.

Further information available at: www.travelxp.tv

About Vivicast Media

Vivicast Media is a leading source of the finest quality 4K programming and 24/7 linear networks. As a forward-thinking media company, Vivicast was one of the first companies to offer linear content geared toward the OTT market and has shown that same commitment to 4K/Ultra HD. Vivicast Media is a one-stop source of the very best 4K content the entertainment business has to offer.

Further information available at: www.vivicast.com

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161218005060/en/



For further information please contact:
Markus Payer, +352 710 725 500
Corporate Communications

Travelxp 4K Joins SES Ultra HD Line-up in North America (Graphic: Business Wire)

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