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Global Cryptocurrency Exchange Ruby-x Holds Grand Opening Event

2018/8/9 9:28:14  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: GlobalCryptocurrencyExchangeRuby-xHoldsGrandOpeningEvent MAHÉ,Seychelles--(BUSINESSWIRE)--Ruby-x,anew-conceptofcryptocurrencyex

Global Cryptocurrency Exchange Ruby-x Holds Grand Opening Event

MAHÉ, Seychelles--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ruby-x, a new-concept of cryptocurrency exchange that provides both simple currency transactions and funds trading services at the same time, will hold a grand opening event with approximately $10 million worth of prizes and rewards to celebrate the launch of Ruby-x beta service.

Ruby Exchange has announced its main grand opening event, ‘Ruby-x Trading Contest.’ This Trading Contest will proceed over two rounds from August 17 to September 14. Ruby Exchange is currently bringing a giveaway event with many prizes that are much bigger and much more attractive than anything you would have heard before - a MOBILE HOUSE. On top of that, Ruby-x has also prepared many more prizes and awards for the winners, including an opportunity to become a Ruby fund-crypto manager. The rewards will be distributed to those who earn the most profit rate from their trading activities. Besides, a great variety of events are planned for its users, and the total rewards amount sums up to $10 million, including airdrops through telegrams.

Ruby-x is considered to be the safest crypto-exchange, as it provides ‘Cold Wallet’ to its users. Cold Wallets cannot be hacked, while trading cryptocurrency. The users who use the cold wallets with 100% use rate will be able to take a service called “Ruby Vault” from which they can receive a certain amount of fees. Also, Ruby-x will provide the users with a transparent disclosure of transaction fees and histories, in order to keep a transparent exchange platform. One characteristic feature that makes Ruby-x different from any other crypto-exchange is that it will share the profits with its holders by paying them dividends every quarter season. Besides, it will sell a variety of fund products on Ruby platform which will bring profits to the investors, even without making any direct transaction.

Ruby (RBY) token sale will begin on 10 August. Ruby officials have delivered that it will be the first and last public sale of RBY, and this is the only chance to buy RBY token at its half price.

Ruby-X.io is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform founded by RED SAIL GLOBAL LTD.


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