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3 out of 4 people with symptomatic asthma report reduced productivity at work

2016/5/27 11:00:18  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Newsurveyshowsthat3outof4peoplewithsymptomaticasthmaclaimthattheirsymptomsaffectedtheirproductivitywhileworking1 Onaveragepeoplew
  • New survey shows that 3 out of 4 people with symptomatic asthma claim that their symptoms affected their productivity while working1
  • On average people with asthma symptoms missed 3 hours of work over a one week period despite taking maintenance treatment1


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Results were released today by Boehringer Ingelheim from an international survey, providing new insight into the negative impact of persistent asthma symptoms on people’s work productivity and their ability to perform everyday activities. The Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Survey (WPAIS) was conducted among 1,598 people with asthma who are taking asthma maintenance treatment but still have symptoms.1

Nearly 3 out of 4 (74 percent) people with asthma report that it affects their productivity at work. On average respondents missed 3 of their contracted hours over a 1 week period with around 1 in 10 (9 percent) completely prevented from working due to their asthma symptoms.1 In addition, 2 out of 3 (67 percent) survey respondents found their symptoms affected their sleep.1 These results are being presented at the 8th International Primary care Respiratory Group Conference (IPCRG) in Amsterdam.

“These new findings show the significant extent to which asthma symptoms can impact a person’s ability to work, even when they are taking maintenance treatment. This in turn adds to the economic burden through the loss of many potentially productive work hours. People with asthma often accept their symptoms and the impact they have on their daily lives. It is important that people with asthma talk to their doctor about how their asthma is affecting them at work, their sleep and daily life, and to discuss what more could be done to help them feel better and live life to the full,” said Dr. Kevin Gruffydd-Jones, Lead Author and Principal in General Practice, Box Surgery, Box, Wiltshire, UK.

Asthma symptoms have both a physical and mental effect on people with asthma in the workplace with only a small minority (13 percent) reporting it had no impact.1 According to those questioned, their asthma symptoms made around 1 in 4 people (23 percent) feel tired or weak when at work and almost 1 in 5 (18 percent) feel mentally strained, despite taking maintenance treatment for their asthma.1 For half (51 percent) the survey also found that asthma symptoms prominently affected regular daily activities outside of work.1

Asthma is seen as easy to manage and the misperception exists that people with asthma symptoms can lead a normal life. However, many people with asthma still experience symptoms despite taking their current maintenance therapies (usually ICS/LABA).2,3,4 Not only can symptoms have a significant impact on patients’ professional, social, physical and emotional lives,5 patients are at risk of potentially life-threatening asthma attacks (or exacerbations).6 Studies have shown that people with asthma who have symptoms are 6 times more likely to have an asthma attack than those with minimal-to-no daytime symptoms.6 Asthma attacks can also lead to the condition getting worse in the future. Fortunately, additional treatments are available so that most people can manage their symptoms well, reducing the risk of future asthma attacks.7

“Asthma affects millions of people worldwide and most people with asthma have low expectations of what can be achieved by asthma management and don’t realise that their condition can be improved,” said Dr. William Mezzanotte, Head of Respiratory Medicine, Boehringer Ingelheim. “Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to pursuing scientific research to help improve the understanding of the impact of symptoms on the lives of people with asthma, with the ultimate aim of improving patient care.”

Boehringer Ingelheim has over 90 years of heritage in respiratory disease. Since 1921 we have emerged as a leader in this disease area, having launched several treatments in a range of respiratory conditions in areas of high unmet patient need including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and lung cancer. Our focus has always been on improving the quality of life of patients suffering from debilitating respiratory diseases and enabling them to maintain a more independent life.

For ‘Notes to Editors’ and ‘References’ please visit:


inhaled corticosteroids (ICS)

long-acting beta-2 agonist (LABA)

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160526005700/en/



Boehringer Ingelheim
Corporate Communications
Media + PR
Katharina Opitz
Phone: +49 6132 – 77 2012
Fax: +49 6132 – 77 6601
Email: press@boehringer-ingelheim.com

3 out of 4 people with symptomatic asthma report reduced productivity at work (Graphic: Business Wire)

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