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Duxes Heavy Duty Industry Summit Impressed More Than 240 Attendees

2016/12/14 9:55:25  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: HeavyDutyWeek2017 November15-18,2016·Shanghai,China Inthewakeofchangestothedieselengineindustryandoff-highwayvehicleindustry,wrou

Heavy Duty Week 2017

November 15-18, 2016·Shanghai, China

In the wake of changes to the diesel engine industry and off-highway vehicle industry, wrought by technological and regulatory developments, Duxes hosted the four-day ” Heavy Duty Week 2017” in Shanghai, which was consisted of two summits, covering the 2nd Asia Diesel Engine Summit 2016on November 15-16, and the 9th China Off-Highway Vehicle Summit 2016 on November 17-18. The summits focused on issuesat the forefront of the diesel engine industry in Asia and China’s off-highway vehicle market, drawing testimony from leading researchers, corporate officers, analysts, and government officials, through focused presentations and panel discussions.

The diesel engine summit’s first day featured content on important technical and regulatory issues within the industry. Researchers and officials from government agencies in China and India detailed the latest information on emission standards in their respective countries. Further presentations from corporate officers from prominent companies operating in Asia, analyzed pioneering technologies and procedures in the diesel engine industry, notably, hydraulic excavator engines and engine thermal equilibrium tests, and the reproduction of medium heavy horsepower engines through recycling old parts, as well as other technical topics. The second day of the summit expanded the range of technical inquiry and covered related topics, as presenters explored diesel after treatment technologies, metal injection molding automotive products, the outlook for agricultural machinery in China, emission legislation from the perspective of OEMs, as well as general analysis related to the future direction of the industry.

During the off-highway vehicle summit’s first day, speakers discussed a range of issues regarding structural and economic trends in the industry. Distinguished researchers, product development managers, consultants, and other industry analysts, presented on important phenomena driving change in the off-highway vehicle industry, including off-road machinery remanufacturing, opportunities in the Chinese construction equipment and service component aftermarket, growth points in the aftermarket within China and the broader market, changes in the construction equipment industry, and other issues of interest. Over the course of the second day, presenters and panelists delved into significant technical and regulatory topics related to the Chinese off-highway vehicle industry. Government officials discussed the impact of recent policies, such as the 13th Five Year Plan, and other speakers provided in-depth analysis of cutting-edge technology destined to influence the growth of the industry, including smart agricultural machinery, innovative applications for hydraulics, and future fuel-saving machinery.

Overall, through the testimony and the exchange of knowledge among high-level innovators and analysts in the diesel engine and off-highway vehicle industry, the summits succeeded in advancing understanding and cooperation among industry players, in both the public and private sectors. We urge interested professionals, whose work involves engagement with those industries, directly or indirectly, to attend the events during next year’s Heavy Duty Week.

More Information, please contact:

Ms. Vivi Ye

Tel: +86 21 5258 8005 Ext. 8106

Email: vivi.ye@duxes.cn

Website: www.duxes-events.com/heavydutyweek2016

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