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EchoStar 105/ SES-11 Successfully Launched on SpaceX’s Falcon 9

2017/10/13 8:44:07  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Dual-missionsatellitewillenableSEStoacceleratedeliveryofHDandUHDchannelsusingC-bandcapacityacrosstheUS,whileKu-bandpayloadwillserveEchoS

Dual-mission satellite will enable SES to accelerate delivery of HD and UHD channels using C-band capacity across the US, while Ku-band payload will serve EchoStar’s enterprise, media and broadcast needs

LUXEMBOURG & CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- SES announced today that the EchoStar 105/ SES-11 satellite was successfully launched into space on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 00:53 CEST. This is the second time SES has launched on a flight-proven Falcon 9 rocket, and the fourth launch with SpaceX. SES was the first commercial customer to launch on a Falcon 9 in 2013.

Built by Airbus, EchoStar 105/ SES-11 is a dual-mission satellite, providing SES with a C-band payload of 24 transponders of 36 MHz, owned and operated by SES, marketed under the name SES-11, and EchoStar with 24 Ku-band transponders of 36 MHz, marketed as EchoStar 105. The high-powered communications satellite replaces C-band capacity for AMC-18 and Ku-band capacity for AMC-15 at the 105 degrees West orbital slot.

SES-11 is designed to accelerate the development of the US Prime video neighbourhood and the delivery of high definition (HD) and ultra-high definition (UHD) channels. It offers comprehensive coverage over North America, including Hawaii, Mexico and the Caribbean. The satellite's C-band capacity is optimised for digital television delivery, and will join SES-1 and SES-3 at the centre of SES’s North American orbital arc which reaches more than 100 million TV homes and 100% penetration in the US.

SES-11 will be utilised for the expansion of SES’s North America Ultra HD platform, which hosts the world's largest Ultra HD bouquet of 10 Ultra HD channels and reaches a combined audience of more than 10 million subscribers.

SES-11 will also empower business and government customers to capture new opportunities and expand their reach across the region.

Martin Halliwell, Chief Technology Officer of SES, said, “The successful launch of SES-11 further strengthens the centre of SES’s North American orbital arc and enables us to continue to provide a premium C-band service to the leading cable operators across the US. We are also proud to launch on another SpaceX flight-proven Falcon 9 rocket and to continuously participate in innovative technology developments within the launch industry.”

Gwynne Shotwell, President and COO at SpaceX, “We are pleased to continue working together with SES, a company that strongly supports innovation and SpaceX’s proven launch capabilities.”

More information about SES-11 available at SES-11 newsroom.

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SES is the world-leading satellite operator and the first to deliver a differentiated and scalable GEO-MEO offering worldwide, with more than 50 satellites in Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) and 12 in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO). SES focuses on value-added, end-to-end solutions in two key business units: SES Video and SES Networks. The company provides satellite communications services to broadcasters, content and internet service providers, mobile and fixed network operators, governments and institutions. SES’s portfolio includes ASTRA, O3b and MX1, a leading media service provider that offers a full suite of innovative digital video and media services. SES is listed on the Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange (ticker: SESG). Further information available at: www.ses.com


Markus Payer
Corporate Communications & PR
Tel. +352 710 725 500

EchoStar 105/ SES-11 Successfully Launched on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 (Photo: Business Wire)

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