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MAXON Adds New Dimension to Design with Cineware for Adobe Illustrator CC

2017/10/13 8:44:08  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: NewPlug-inAllowsArtiststoIntegrate3DContentDirectlyinIllustratorCC FRIEDRICHSDORF,Germany--(BUSINESSWIRE)--MAXON,theleadingdeveloperofth

New Plug-in Allows Artists to Integrate 3D Content Directly in Illustrator CC

FRIEDRICHSDORF, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MAXON, the leading developer of the professional 3D modeling, animation, painting and rendering solution Cinema 4D, today announced the release of Cineware for Illustrator. This new plugin allows artists and designers to add and edit 3D objects directly within Adobe Illustrator CC, the industry-standard vector graphics application included in the Adobe Creative Cloud.Cineware for Illustrator uses the same powerful 3D engine as Cinema 4D, MAXON’s industry-leading, intuitive, professional 3D application. Users can import any C4D file, and tweak the view, lighting and textures to integrate 3D elements with 2D designs or use 3D elements as templates when creating vector artwork in Illustrator CC. This enables designers to visualize product labels, incorporate rich 3D content into Illustrator compositions, or even arrange 3D elements as guides for form and perspective when creating vector artwork.

MAXON has partnered with TurboSquid, the leading online source for 3D models, to provide Cineware for Illustrator users a “jump start” into the third dimension with a collection of ready-to-use 3D models, including common product packaging and other 3D objects. Users of Cinema 4D can create and share their own custom 3D content for use in Illustrator CC.

Motion designers have enjoyed similar integration of Cinema 4D technology within Adobe After Effects CC since the introduction of the Cineware bridge in 2013. Cineware for Illustrator offers designers the ability to adjust object visibility, textures and lighting all from within Adobe Illustrator.

“Cinema 4D has long offered a fantastic, easy-to-learn toolset for product visualization and graphic design,” says Harald Egel, managing partner at MAXON Computer GmbH. “With Cineware for Illustrator we’re making both the Cinema 4D toolset and 3D in general more accessible to designers, and plan to develop this workflow even further in the future.”

Cineware for Illustrator Feature Highlights

  • 3D Objects: Rotate, position and show/hide individual 3D objects from any Cinema 4D scene, all within Illustrator CC.
  • Materials: Adjust the color, reflection, luminance, transparency, and bump directly within Illustrator CC. Users can even apply vector artwork to the surface of 3D models.
  • Cameras: Switch between pre-set cameras or use simple navigation tools to choose preferred viewing angle.
  • Lights: Enable or disable lights, and change their color to set a mood and emphasize shapes.
  • Integrate: Workflow allows easy removal of the background by choosing the automatically created alpha map so 3D elements can be integrated into existing vector artwork.


Cineware for Illustrator is available at no cost for macOS and Windows 10 on the MAXON Website.

Cineware for Illustrator CC at Adobe MAX and NAB East

MAXON Cineware for Illustrator will debut in the MAXON booth in the Community Pavilion at Adobe MAX (October 18-20, 2017 in Las Vegas) and NAB Show NY, Booth N264 (October 18-19, 2017 in New York).

Cinema 4D Upgrade Path

For Illustrator CC users that desire a rich, full-features 3D content creation experience, MAXON offers an attractive upgrade path to Cinema 4D.

Video footage about Cineware for Illustrator


Workflow-Video #1

Workflow-Video #2


Headquartered in Friedrichsdorf, Germany, MAXON Computer is a developer of professional 3D modeling, painting, animation and rendering solutions. Its award-winning Cinema 4D and BodyPaint 3D software products have been used extensively to help create everything from stunning visual effects in top feature films, TV shows and commercials, cutting-edge game cinematics for AAA games, as well for medical illustration, architectural and industrial design applications. MAXON has offices in Germany, USA, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Japan and Singapore. MAXON products are available directly from the web site and its worldwide distribution channel. MAXON is part of the Nemetschek Group.

Additional information on MAXON can be obtained as follows









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