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WisdomTree and Voya Investment Management Co. LLC Launch the WisdomTree Voya Yield Enhanced USD Universal Bond Fund (UNIY)

2023/2/10  文章来源:第一金融网  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: NEWYORK--(BUSINESSWIRE)--WisdomTree,Inc.(NYSE:WT),aglobalfinancialinnovator,andVoyaInvestmentManagementCo.LLC(“Voya”),theassetmanagementbusin

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--WisdomTree, Inc. (NYSE: WT), a global financial innovator, and Voya Investment Management Co. LLC (“Voya”), the asset management business of Voya Financial, Inc. (NYSE: VOYA), announced today the launch of the WisdomTree Voya Yield Enhanced USD Universal Bond Fund (UNIY) on the NASDAQ. UNIY seeks to track the price and yield performance, before fees and expenses, of the Bloomberg US Universal Enhanced Yield Index1 and has an expense ratio of 15 basis points.2

WisdomTree and Voya have a long-standing relationship, with Voya acting as sub-adviser to UNIY, as well as to several of WisdomTree’s portfolios. WisdomTree and Voya’s collaboration on the creation of UNIY is a natural evolution of their relationship and highlights what we believe are the complementary strengths of both firms.

“Today marks another milestone in our relationship with Voya as we launch the WisdomTree Voya Yield Enhanced USD Universal Bond Fund, a collaborative effort reinforcing the demand for broad exposure to the entire US bond market and highlighting our commitment to pursue a better investment and financial experience through the quality of our products, solutions and engagement,” said Rick Harper, Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income at WisdomTree. “Voya’s commitment to this Fund underscores our focus on, and the continued expansion of, our fixed income capabilities.”

UNIY provides investors with the opportunity to seek comprehensive exposure to the US dollar-denominated debt market while enhancing yield within set risk parameters.

“Together we have designed a product that we believe is differentiated from the current market offering and is reflective of the growing demand for fixed income investments. Our shared belief in creating innovative client investment options is the cornerstone of our relationship with WisdomTree, and we look forward to continued success,” said Michael Beckerman, Head of Client Solutions and Co-Head of Client Advisory & Consultant Relations at Voya Investment Management Co. LLC.

UNIY: What’s Under the Hood?
UNIY provides the following potential investment opportunities:

  • Enhances potential yield by broadening sectors
  • Exposure to the broad opportunity set that exists within the universe of US dollar-denominated debt, across asset classes, credit quality and maturities
  • Allocates weights within more traditional investment-grade debt sectors

Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Fund before investing. To obtain a prospectus containing this and other important information, call 866.909.9473 or visit wisdomtree.com. Read the prospectus carefully before you invest.

Important Risk Information

There are risks associated with investing, including possible loss of principal. Fixed income investments are subject to interest rate risk; their value will normally decline as interest rates rise. Fixed income investments are also subject to credit risk, the risk that the issuer of a bond will fail to pay interest and principal in a timely manner, or that negative perceptions of the issuer’s ability to make such payments will cause the price of that bond to decline. While the Fund attempts to limit credit and counterparty exposure, the value of an investment in the Fund may change quickly and without warning in response to issuer or counterparty defaults and changes in the credit ratings of the Fund’s portfolio investments. Derivative investments can be volatile and these investments may be less liquid than other securities, and more sensitive to the effects of varied economic conditions. Investing in mortgage- and asset-backed securities involves interest rate, credit, valuation, extension and liquidity risks and the risk that payments on the underlying assets are delayed, prepaid, subordinated or defaulted on. Due to the investment strategy of the Fund, it may make higher capital gain distributions than other ETFs. Please read the Fund’s prospectus for specific details regarding the Fund’s risk profile.

WisdomTree Funds are distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC. Foreside Fund Services, LLC. is not affiliated with the other entities mentioned.

Rick Harper is a registered representative of Foreside Fund Services, LLC.

Michael Beckerman is a registered representative of Voya Investments Distributor, LLC.

1 The Bloomberg US Universal Enhanced Yield Index is a broad-based index that provides comprehensive exposure for US dollar-denominated debt, including US investment grade, high yield, and emerging market USD debt, with an additional objective of yield enhancement relative to market cap indices such as US Universal Index

2 1/100th of 1 percent

3 As of 2/1/2023


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