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Limelight Networks and Ericsson to Accelerate Content Delivery and Edge Cloud Adoption

2018/10/22 8:23:47  文章来源:文传商讯  作者:文传商讯
文章简介: Limelight’sCDNtechnologytobedeployedontheEricssonUDNEdgeCloudPlatformandthecompanieswillcollaborateonfutureedgecloudservices TEMPE,Ari

Limelight’s CDN technology to be deployed on the Ericsson UDN Edge Cloud Platform and the companies will collaborate on future edge cloud services

TEMPE, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Limelight Networks (NASDAQ: LLNW) and Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) have signed an agreement to collaborate on content delivery and edge cloud services.

As more traffic shifts to the public internet from private networks, the need for high performance networks and distributed infrastructure is required to maintain a high-quality user experience. A key solution to this is edge cloud computing. Providing computing capabilities close to the user or device gives a superior quality of service. For new low latency applications such as IoT, gaming, and virtual reality, robust computing capabilities at the edge of the network are needed. Communications service providers and technology companies will play a pivotal role in scaling the next wave of internet traffic.

Ericsson is partnering with service providers globally to build the Ericsson Unified Delivery Network (UDN) Edge Cloud Platform – a web-scale edge delivery network, driving performance benefits and cost efficiencies. Content delivery is the first application built on the UDN platform. Under the agreement, Limelight’s content delivery technology will be deployed on the Ericsson UDN Edge Cloud Platform to expand its global delivery capabilities and increase delivery capacities.

By providing computing capabilities close to the user or device, edge computing addresses rapidly increasing data demands and subscriber experience expectations through distributed infrastructure, while maintaining high quality and high performance. Low latency applications, such as IoT, gaming, and web acceleration are set to benefit.

Bob Lento, CEO of Limelight Networks, says: “We are always looking for ways to improve the performance and reach of our network. The strength of Ericsson’s partnerships with communications service providers through the UDN Network is a key component of this agreement that enable us to offer even better reach and performance for our customers. We are delighted to work with Ericsson on this initiative.”

Marcus Bergstrom, Head of Ericsson UDN, says: “Entering this agreement with Limelight Networks, a leader in content delivery networking and edge cloud services, opens a new chapter for the UDN Network in-line with our strategic plans for our Edge Cloud Platform.”

"Telstra has consistently demonstrated its commitment to improving content delivery for all forms of content on our network,” says Gary Traver, Network Engineering Executive, Telstra. "This agreement between Limelight and UDN is another example of how Telstra is working with technology leaders to drive a better user experience for its customers, and is another proof point of the value services providers can bring by aggregating their assets to provide an improved QoE to content providers, aggregators and technology companies."

“Consumers are now expecting performance in milliseconds, not seconds,” says Dan Rayburn, Principal Analyst at Frost & Sullivan. “As applications evolve to offer more interactivity and the need to operate in real-time, quality and reliability determine the success or failure of the service. Combining content delivery technologies with an Edge Cloud Platform that’s distributed inside ISPs is one of the best ways to guarantee optimal performance and allow application providers to use edge services to improve the end-user experience."

About Ericsson
Ericsson enables communications service providers to capture the full value of connectivity. The company’s portfolio spans Networks, Digital Services, Managed Services, and Emerging Business and is designed to help our customers go digital, increase efficiency and find new revenue streams. Ericsson’s investments in innovation have delivered the benefits of telephony and mobile broadband to billions of people around the world. The Ericsson stock is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and on Nasdaq New York. www.ericsson.com

About Limelight
Limelight Networks Inc., (NASDAQ: LLNW), a leading provider of digital content delivery, video, cloud security, and edge computing services, empowers customers to provide exceptional digital experiences. Limelight’s edge services platform includes a unique combination of global private infrastructure, intelligent software, and expert support services that enable current and future workflows. For more information, visit www.limelight.com, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.



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